Sandbar's focus on idiosyncratic factors sets it apart from its peers in equity market‑neutral
With investors sometimes struggling to find hedge funds that deliver uncorrelated, consistent returns, Sandbar Asset Management stands out from its peers. Its success in running an equity market-neutral strategy is a reflection of its founder and chief…
Prime services – It’s about what you bring
There are many benefits to integration – particularly when it comes to the provision of prime services. Societe Generale has followed this path, which has allowed it to improve cost efficiency and improve the range of products it can offer. The bank has…
Engle: rise in geopolitical risks may be overestimated
Risk USA: Nobel laureate’s new ‘Geovol’ model suggests geopolitical risk no higher than during past 20 years
Post-Brexit vote, large US banks have curbed UK exposures
US G-Sibs shed $171 billion of claims on UK private sector between Q1 2016 and Q1 2019
Brexit disruption, fire sales and climate risk
The week on, October 5–11, 2019
Politicians must heal a fractured UK society
Political journalist Robert Peston has grave concerns over the future of Britain, seeing profound risks with or without Brexit
US clearing houses need not take collateral damage from Brexit
There are signs the US and EU will pull back from the brink in dispute over CCPs
Deal misfires expose risk of contingent hedging
Banks hike premiums on deal contingent swaps amid Brexit uncertainty
EC official: supervisors must manage Brexit trading disruption
Trading obligations won’t change, but Mifid-style forbearance possible in event of disruption
EU seeks to offer reassurance on Brexit clearing exemption
Commission can act quickly to stave off no-deal market disruption, insists official
FCA chief calls for EU to extend Brexit clearing exemption
Bailey also urges EU to grant equivalence determinations for UK trading venues
Brexit flips LCH-Eurex basis
LCH-Eurex basis has inverted on buy-side flows, hitting –1.3bp at July low
Swaps between UK banks and foreign firms climb in Q2
Total value of derivatives assets and liabilities with overseas lenders hits £2.09 trillion
Carney: Germany and France risk Brexit derivatives cliff edge
BoE governor says it is in EU countries’ “interest” to ensure full viability of financial contracts pre-Brexit
Credit data: no-deal Brexit threatens UK retail sector
Italian credits are improving, but banking sector is not out of the woods yet
Global cross-border lending accelerates
Lending growth to offshore centres surges to 5.3%
A tech-driven transformation
A panel of experts explores how greater collaboration between risk and finance teams can garner significant benefits and add value, how technological innovation is making the regulatory landscape more complicated to navigate and produce transformative…
Brexit nudges Trad-X swaps service to Paris
London loses out on planned dealer-to-client Clob for OTC euro interest rate swaps
Esma takes flak over vague CCP enhanced supervision plans
JP Morgan calls for more quantitative thresholds for determining systemic foreign CCPs
Giancarlo bows out with regulatory deference
Move comes amid row between US and European policymakers over cross-border CCP regulation
AMF’s Ophèle: we need to change EU swaps trading mandate
French regulator urges EU to avoid conflicting rules, adopt principles-based approach after Brexit