Technical paper

Commodity options optimised

In 2005, John Crosby introduced a very flexible framework in which it is possible to price derivatives, including exotics, on almost any underlying commodity. In this article, he shows how pricing can be done approximately 30 to 400 times faster than the…

Weighted Monte Carlo

Most pricing models assume an asset behaviour and calibrate its parameters to fit the market. Weighted Monte Carlo is able to calibrate the market without making specific assumptions about the asset behaviour. When only vanilla products are considered,…

Smiling hybrids

Vladimir Piterbarg develops a multi-currency model with foreign exchange skew suitable for valuation and risk management of forex-linked hybrids, in particular power-reverse dual-currency (PRDC) swaps. The emphasis of the article is on model calibration…

A structural approach to EDS pricing

Structural credit models have been used to price bothcredit and equity derivatives, making them a naturalframework to price equity default swaps. Using such aframework, Elena Medova and Robert Smith derivean analytic expression for the EDS spread,…

Wrong way risk modelling

Beyond its potential impact on counterparty risk exposure, the wrong way risk arising in some derivatives transactions raises important modelling challenges. Christian Redon presents two suitable models based on conditional expected exposure. Among…

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