Technical paper
Rating properties and their implications for Basel II capital
Robert Rauhmeier and Harald Scheule offer new insights on the verification of ratings. Within a consistent framework, the basic properties of association, calibration, discrimination and refinement in rating forecasts are defined and measures derived. It…
Lloyd Adriatico
Quant analysis by
Axa Banque
Quant analysis by
Post Office
Quant analysis by
Lombarda Vita
Quant analysis by
Quant analysis by
Quant analysis
Pricing equity default swaps
Claudio Albanese and Oliver Chen discuss the challenges of pricing equity default swaps, a credit-equity hybrid product. These structures straddle not only traditional asset classes such as equity derivatives and credit default swaps, but also…
Loss in translation
Ben De Prisco, Ian Iscoe and Alex Kreinin introduce a new analytical approach for valuing synthetic collateralised debt obligations. The approach differs from current analytical approaches by focusing on the tranche's loss distribution directly, as…
Portfolio skew and kurtosis
Cutting edge: Brief communication
Squaring factor copula models
Tight spreads in the credit markets have forced investors to turn to innovative structures in their search for yield. One such structure is the synthetic CDO of CDO tranches, also known as CDO2. Prasun Baheti, Roy Mashal, Marco Naldi and Lutz Schloegl…
Modelling counterparty credit exposure for credit default swaps
Modelling counterparty credit exposure for credit derivatives is more complicated than for non-credit products, since the reference credit and counterparty can exhibit positive default correlation. Here, Christian Hille, John Ring and Hideki Shimamoto…
Counterparty risk
Energy Risk Annual Awards