Technical paper
Kleinwort Benson
Quant Analysis
Sparkasse Hannover
Quant Analysis
Quant Analysis
Fortis Bank
Quant Analysis
Cutting edge - Omega portfolio construction with Johnson distributions
The omega risk-adjusted performance measure with Johnson distributions accounts comprehensively and non-discretionarily for the first potentially persistent moments including skewness and kurtosis. The Johnson-omega ratio thus overcomes the shortcomings…
An empirical analysis of equity default swaps (II): multivariate insights
Equity default swaps (EDSs) have attracted much attention recently because of their similarities to credit default swaps on the one hand and American-style digital puts on the other. Particular interest has focused on collateralised debt obligations…
Smoking adjoints: fast Monte Carlo Greeks
Monte Carlo calculation of price sensitivities for hedging is often very time-consuming. Michael Giles and Paul Glasserman develop an adjoint method to accelerate the calculation. The method is particularly effective in estimating sensitivities to a…
Problems & Solutions: Financially Motivated Model Performance Measures
There are many interesting issues surrounding credit risk that are of both practical and academic interest. The Problems and Solutions section aims to engage readers in active discussion and debate of such issues. Readers are encouraged to post questions…
Time for multi-period capital models
Several financial institutions use single-period models to determine their credit portfolio loss distribution, calculate their loss volatility and assign economic capital.
The expectation game
Cutting Edge: Life Insurance
Quant analysis by
Quant analysis
Merrill Lynch
Quant Analysis
Quant Analysis
BCC San Giorgio e Meduno
Quant Analysis
Quant Analysis
An empirical analysis of equity default swaps (I): univariate insights
Arnaud de Servigny and Norbert Jobst assess whether standard quantitative credit techniques can be used to measure the individual risk of hybrid instruments called equity default swaps (EDSs). This endeavour is based on extensive empirical work. The…
Operational VAR: a closed-form approximation
Klaus Böcker and Claudia Klüppelberg investigate a simple loss distribution model for operational risk. They show that, when loss data is heavy-tailed (which in practice it is), a simple closed-form approximation for operational VAR can be obtained. They…
A matter of principal
Developing term structure models can be tricky, as unknown factors and non-observable variables can affect futures prices. But principal components analysis is useful in tackling these problems. Here, Delphine Lautier uses PCA to pin down price movements…