Technical paper

Smoking adjoints: fast Monte Carlo Greeks

Monte Carlo calculation of price sensitivities for hedging is often very time-consuming. Michael Giles and Paul Glasserman develop an adjoint method to accelerate the calculation. The method is particularly effective in estimating sensitivities to a…

Operational VAR: a closed-form approximation

Klaus Böcker and Claudia Klüppelberg investigate a simple loss distribution model for operational risk. They show that, when loss data is heavy-tailed (which in practice it is), a simple closed-form approximation for operational VAR can be obtained. They…

A matter of principal

Developing term structure models can be tricky, as unknown factors and non-observable variables can affect futures prices. But principal components analysis is useful in tackling these problems. Here, Delphine Lautier uses PCA to pin down price movements…

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