Solvency II
EU insurers prepare for op risk under Solvency II
Editor's blog
Uncertainty remains over EU securitisation retention charge
The European Union (EU) is pressing ahead with plans to amend the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), but has failed to reach consensus on its controversial plan for a 5% securitisation retention charge.
Internal affairs
Internal Models
Solvency II approved by European Parliament
Daily news headlines
OpRisk Europe: FSA condemns operational risk weaknesses
Daily news headlines
OpRisk Europe: FSA condemns operational risk weaknesses
Financial institutions have failed to properly manage their operational risk in recent years and can expect to be subjected to higher requirements in future, an official from the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) warned yesterday.
EU presses ahead with tougher regulation of rating agencies
The European Parliament today voted in favour of a new regulation that will force credit rating agencies (CRAs) to comply with minimum standards of good practice and transparency.
Putting the dampener on
Editor's letter
Swap shop
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, under its chief executive Bob Pickel (right), is the trade body for dealers of, amongst other things, credit derivatives. As such, Pickel and his members are at the centre of a storm raging around the…
Dealers and regulators: Who will blink first?
High noon for CDS Clearing
Learning from Basel's mistakes
Regulators are looking again at the Basel II Accord in an attempt to incorporate the lessons learned from the financial crisis. What have Solvency II rule-makers learned from the Basel experience? Joel Clark investigates
Getting the green light
Regulator Q&A
Optimising through optimism
Editorial Roundtable
Life crisis
Operational risk
Dead in the water?
Basel II