Solvency II
Surviving the fallout
As regulators rush to reassess international banking regulations, insurers are also at threat of seeing more stringent regulations imposed on them on the basis that they are systemically risky. But the industry is fighting back. John Ferry reports
Keeping it consistent
While consensus appears to have been reached over the liquidity premium and hybrid debt issues, whether the current state of the Solvency II directive can truly be called market consistent was debated as leading figures in the directive’s passage met in…
Facing the challenge
The Chinese insurance sector has experienced an unprecedented level of growth in recent years, but as the premium inflows pile up, is its risk management approach adequate?
A natural progression?
The widescale demand for catastrophe bonds in Asia has been heralded for many years now. But outside Japan and to a lesser extent Taiwan, overall penetration of catastrophe insurance in Asia remains low. Is this all about to change?
QIS 5 - Making political capital
With the fifth quantitative impact study looming, Ceiops has released its final advice for Solvency II’s level two implementation measures to howls of indignation from the industry. The SCR standard formula’s calibration risks driving a wedge between…
Sponsored statement: Meeting the Solvency II operational risk challenge
Three industry experts spoke at an exclusive Operational Risk & Regulation webinar on operational risk and Solvency II and the challenges facing insurance firms today
UPDATE: Ceiops task force OKs liquidity premium
An industry task force appointed by the Committee of European Insurers and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (Ceiops) has recommended to the European Commission that an extra liquidity premium be included in the discount rate of liabilities used in the…
Chinese insurers face-up to the risk management challenge
The Chinese insurance sector has experienced an unprecedented level of growth in recent years, but as the premium inflows pile up, is their risk management approach adequate? Aaron Woolner reports
Escape from Solvency II - insurers consider the offshore option
Many UK insurers faced with growing regulatory pressure are seeking a move offshore to escape the forthcoming Solvency II regulations and the high capital charges they bring. But do lower capital charges equal lower standards for consumers? Blake Evans…