Solvency II
Different degrees
Solvency II will require a massive upgrade in insurers’ technological capability. But as the deadline for implementation looms ever closer, not all in the industry have made the same level of progress.
Choose life
The US life settlements sector is marketing itself to pension funds and European insurers as an easy way to add diversification to a portfolio. But how are the risks modelled and how can the banks and hedge funds that are brokering the transactions…
The hybrid split
Insurers’ capital management has relied heavily on hybrid debt over the last decade – a strategy that has come under threat from Ceiops' latest Solvency II proposals. Aaron Woolner reports
Open for hedges
India’s insurance sector has long been hamstrung by its inability to use equity derivatives. This is about to change with the country’s insurance regulator set to relax the rules on derivatives. But are India’s insurers ready for synthetic instruments?…
Fit to size
The one-size-fits-all approach of Solvency II's standard formula has left insurers with a dilemma. Should they use a standard model that is not appropriate to their business strategy, or opt for an internal model that is expensive and time-consuming for…
Affairs of state
Regulator Q&A
IAIS confirms ambition to develop global Solvency II standard
At least 17 national insurance supervisors have signed on to plans for an internationally harmonised regulatory insurance standard similar to Solvency II, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has confirmed.
Reinforcing regulation
Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta, secretary-general, Ceiops, talks to Rob Davies
Race against the clock for European CDS CCPs
With just two weeks remaining until the European Commission’s deadline for central counterparties (CCPs) to begin clearing credit default swaps (CDSs), two of the competing platforms are still waiting for regulatory approval.
UK Treasury questioned over Lehman structured products response
The UK Treasury was grilled by a shadow minister today over its inaction for investors who have lost money from Lehman Brothers backed structured products at a Private Members Debate held in parliament about the marketing of the investments.
Q&A: Ceiops' secretary-general supports EC reforms
In an interview with Risk , Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta, secretary-general of the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (Ceiops), backed the European Commission's plans to replace it with a new supervisory authority that…
Setting the stage for major scene change
Editor's letter
The rocky road ahead
Pension Regulation
Q&A: Basel Committee's Walter outlines Basel II reform agenda
In an exclusive interview with Risk , Stefan Walter, secretary general of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, discusses everything from capital to cyclicality while outlining the reform agenda for Basel II.
Can one size fit all?
Editor's letter
UK banks respond to Cebs criticism
The British Bankers' Association says its members should be able to speed up disclosure and supervisory reporting, after European regulators criticised the delayed and obscure reports issued by many European banks.
Steering solvency
Regulator Q&A