Old and the new
Forget 'toes in the water' - how to win a pension's full 100%
highway insurance
Eton Park joins Paternoster to cut itself a bigger slice of the UK pension pie
Eton Park and other hedge funds have backed Paternoster in what is becoming a highly competitive UK pension buy-out marketplace.
Brian O'Cathain, CEO, Afren
Brian O'Cathain, CEO of oil exploration company Afren, talks with Eithne Treanor about the risks and rewards facing small oil companies in Africa.
Diane Vazza
Dalia Fahmy finds out where the head of global fixed-income research at Standard & Poor's in New York found her calling
Delta Lloyd
Practitioner profile
Breaking the fall
CMS spreads
SG CIB breaks new ground
Product profile
A Royal march
Delivering the goods
Noble Group
Forging ahead
Societe Generale
Looking to beat the backlog
Back office
CDS boost for pensions
Pension funds
On the global hunt for income
When markets are choppy and gains hard to find, Platinum Capital Management's Craig Reeves tells Hedge Funds Review, dividends can become a manager's prize possession
Key Recovery, Key Europe, Chris Jones - April 2006
Key Asset Management’s funds of hedge funds have generated healthy returns, satisfied investors and, in the case of Key Recovery, won Hedge Funds Review’s award for the bestperforming specialist FoHF over three years on a risk-adjusted basis (2005)…
Key's home-ground advantage
Key Asset Management's funds of hedge funds have generated healthy returns, satisfied investors and, in the case of Key Recovery, won Hedge Funds Review's award for the best performing specialist FoHF over three years, on a risk-adjusted basis. David…
Platinum CM, Craig Reeves, Global Dividend Income Fund - April 2006
When markets are choppy and gains hard to find, Platinum Capital Management’s Craig Reeves tells Hedge Funds Review,dividends such as those from the Platinum Global Dividend Fund can become a manager’s prize possession.
Exchanging futures
There's no doubt that Andy Gooch takes the helm at Nymex Europe Limited in interesting times. While NEL's trading floor is in danger of closure, arch rival IntercontinentalExchange's new WTI contract has gained significant volume
Commissioner Brownell
US Ferc Commissioner Nora Mead Brownell talks to Elizabeth Autumn about the pressing need for more investment in energy infrastructure in the US
Melanie Mitchell
As event risk heightens, a thorough understanding of fundamentals will make all the difference to Aegon Asset Management UK, its head of credit research tells Hardeep Dhillon
Barclays capital's upward curve
Barclays Capital has vaulted into the debt market league tables in the US by reinvesting in profitable businesses and delving into deep pockets to attract the right talent. As the firm completes its debt line-up in the US with a new leveraged finance…