Technical paper/Banks
Bonus caps and bankers’ risk-taking
The authors investigate the relationship between bankers' risk-taking and bonus caps, finding negligible evidence that bonus caps reduce risk taking at the median bank.
Legal risk management in the Polish banking sector
We carry out a review of the management of legal risk in Polish banks and use empirical research to demonstrate how these risks are managed.
Operational risk and regulatory capital: do public and private banks differ?
The authors investigate relationships between operational risk and regulatory capital in Indian public and private banks.
The impact of treasury operations and off-balance-sheet credit business on commercial bank credit risk
Using a vine copula, he authors demonstrate that global systemically important banks face lower credit risk using data from commercial banks based on three risk factors.
Cyber risk definition and classification for financial risk management
The authors put forward a definition and classification scheme for cyber risk than can be used as a template for data collection by financial institutions.
The information value of past losses in operational risk
The authors argue that past operational losses inform future losses at banks and that the information provided by past losses results from their capturing factors that are hard to quantify in other tests.
A model for small basket equities financing
A haircut model for equity baskets based on credit and equity indexes is introduced
Funding, wealth transfer and financial stability in the post-Libor era
Adjusting RFR with a funding premium may aid economic growth and stability
Insurance institutional shareholding and banking systemic risk contagion: an empirical study based on a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator–vector autoregression high-dimensional network
The authors use a LASSO-VAR method and generalized variance decomposition to measure the systemic risk contagion effect of Chinese-listed banks.
Assessing systemic fragility: a probabilistic perspective
Using new measure of systemic fragility, the author ranks euro area banks and sovereigns and according to their systemic risk contribution.
Bank-sourced transition matrixes: are banks’ internal credit risk estimates Markovian?
This study explores banks’ internal credit risk estimates and the associated banksourced transition matrixes.
Customer churn prediction for commercial banks using customer-value-weighted machine learning models
In this paper the authors propose a framework to address the issue of customer churn prediction, and they quantify customer values with the use of an improved customer value model.
Agency problems in multinational banks: does parent complexity affect the risk-taking of subsidiaries?
This paper empirically reviews the relationship between the geographical complexity of parent-groups and the risk-taking behavior of subsidiaries using a panel of data for Polish domestically owned and foreign-owned banks covering the years 2008–17.
The role of management accounting practices in operational risk management: the case of Palestinian commercial banks
This paper follows an exploratory, descriptive approach to investigate the role that management accounting practices plays in managing operational risks in the Palestinian commercial banking sector.
Measure twice before you cut: differences in Furfine-type algorithm implementations
This study focuses on the practical implementation aspects of “Furfine-type” algorithms used to identify money market loans from payments data.
The impact of culture upon operational risk management guidelines in the banking sector of selected Asian countries
The central banks of different countries regulate ORM according to the specificities of their national banking industry. This paper tests the hypothesis that such regulatory openness results in legal texts that are highly influenced by the culture of the…
Bank supervision: lessons from the post-2008 banking crisis
This paper considers the learning points from official third-party reports produced in the wake of supervisory failures that can be applied to the management of front-line bank supervisors.
Optimization of systemic risk: reallocation of assets based on bank networks
In this paper, the authors investigate the optimization of systemic risk based on DebtRank by considering two contagion channels: interbank lending and common asset holdings.
Structural systemic risk: evolution and main drivers
This paper analyzes how systemic risk structurally evolved between 2007 and 2017. The main contributions of the paper to the literature include the methodology, analysis and potential use for macroprudential policies.
Bank leverage and capital bias adjustment through the macroeconomic cycle
The author assesses the quantitative effects of the recent proposal for more robust bank capital adequacy.
Client engineering of XVA
A client’s guide to reducing XVA in times of need