Technical paper/Banks
Supervisory bank risk early warning modeling: an examiner’s first line of defense
The results of this paper show that robust forward-looking statistical models are superior to backward-looking assessments of supervisory compliance, which could lead to less regulatory burden when integrated into the examination process, particularly at…
Strategic and technology risks: the case of Co-operative Bank
This paper studies the growth by acquisition strategy embarked upon by a mid-sized UK bank, the Co-operative Bank; this strategy was a disaster, leaving a heretofore successful bank in dire trouble and on the block for buyers at a substantial discount to…
Reduced-form capital optimisation
A linear approximation to an allocation technique provides a solution for banks’ capital managment
The use of business intelligence and predictive analytics in detecting and managing occupational fraud in Nigerian banks
The goal of this paper is to illustrate how Nigerian banks, and indeed banks elsewhere, can develop solutions that incorporate both BI and predictive analytics techniques in detecting, predicting, preventing and managing occupational fraud.
An advanced hybrid classification technique for credit risk evaluation
In this paper, the authors employ a hybrid approach to design a practical and effective CRE model based on a deep belief network (DBN) and the K-means method.
The operational risk disclosure practices of banks: evidence from India and Romania
This paper compares the levels of operational risk disclosure in the banking industries of India and Romania.
Operational risk measurement: a loss distribution approach with segmented dependence
This paper proposes an approach, called the loss distribution approach with segmented dependence (LDA-SD), which can model the different dependencies of HFLI and LFHI losses in the framework of LDA.
Bank risk, bank bailouts and sovereign capacity during a financial crisis: a cross-country analysis
This paper analyzes the competitive effects of government bailout expectations on bank risk using a sample of banks in OECD countries from 2005 to 2015.
A general framework for constructing bank risk data sets
This paper proposes a general framework for constructing bank risk data sets, which provides an integrated process from data sources to comprehensive risk data sets.
Structural changes in the interbank market across the financial crisis from multiple core–periphery analysis
In this work, the authors employ the KM–ER algorithm to characterize the internal organization of eMID.
The CoCVaR approach: systemic risk contribution measurement
In this paper, the authors propose a measure for systemic risk, CoCVaR, the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) of the financial system conditional on an institution being in financial distress.
Monitoring transmission of systemic risk: application of partial least squares structural equation modeling in financial stress testing
This paper illustrates how the transmission of systemic risk from shadow banking to the regulated banking sector can be modeled using partial least squares structural equation modeling in an effort to help regulators better monitor and manage contagion.
Hidden Markov regimes in operational loss data: application to the recent financial crisis
The authors propose a method to consider business cycles in the computation of capital for operational risk.
A nonlinear analysis of operational risk events in Australian banks
This paper proposes a methodology applied to complex systems to analyze operational risk events in Australian banks.
Nonmaturity deposits and banks’ exposure to interest rate risk: issues arising from the Basel regulatory framework
The authors of this paper address the shortcomings of a major assumption in the Basel accords regarding interest-risk exposure and propose two models to incorporate optionality features that are often ignored.
Empirical performance of loss given default prediction models
Research Papers
Reverse stress tests with bottom-up approaches
Research Papers