Operational risk
IIF comments on recent Basel announcement
The Institute of International Finance (IIF), a global association of financial institutions, issued a statement yesterday welcoming the proposals that the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the day before, but also noted that more work…
Providus launches RiskResolve 3.5 to boost internal controls
Nashua, NH – Providus, a risk management and regulatory compliance services provider based in New Hampshire, has launched RiskResolve 3.5 – an operational risk management (ORM) solution that enables real-time detection and correction of risks and control…
Basel II proposal out in June; AMA/IRB approaches to be delayed
Yesterday, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision confirmed that it will release the New Basel Accord, also known as Basel II, at the end of June 2004. But the Committee said the implementation of the advanced measurement approach (AMA) for…
Advanced IRB Basel II approach delayed
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said the implementation of the advanced internal ratings-based approach (IRB) for credit risk and the advanced measurement approach (AMA) for operational risk would be delayed until the end of 2007. This will…
Covenants: crisis of confidence
Financial covenants that rely too heavily on ratios are just not sophisticated enough to predict the likelihood of default, argues Sarah Woo . Loan originators must learn a trick or two from their colleagues in portfolio management and develop…
Hong Kong focuses on Basel Sound Practices on OpRisk Management
Hong Kong will focus on implementing the Basel Sound Practices for Operational Risk Management rather than the Advanced Measurement Approaches (AMA), according to Simon Topping, executive director for Banking Policy at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
Heart broker
A bitter dispute involving an employment contract, three coal brokers and a claimfor £2 million in damages has highlighted the importance of observing contractuallaw when hiring and firing. By James Ockenden
Time to adapt copula methods for modelling credit risk correlation
In an evolving market, a new standard for the price quotation of credit products that models correlated changes in credit spreads as well as default times is needed, argues Darrell Duffie.
The case for independent risk management committees
Corporate governance
The costly road to compliance
Data quality – the Achilles heel of an acquisition
Data Quality Industry Point of View
BCBS releases new home-host document
Regulatory Update
ORX takes new chairman
Measurement Advances
Protecting databases from the law
Op Risk Data Special Focus
SEC approves capital rules
Regulatory Update
Key Risk Indicator project progressing
Measurement Advances
Firms equate governance with regulation, says PWC
Corporate Governance
Relating specifics to the holistic
Op Risk Data Special Focus
Changing hats
Management Intelligence
Celent highlights reporting challenges
Management Intelligence
The search for a perfect fit
The Perfect Fit Technology
Regulatory Update
AIG to form cross-border op risk sub-group
Regulatory Update