Operational risk
Boston Fed publishes new op risk paper
The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston published another ground-breaking paper on operational risk in mid-June.
EU CAD beta lowered – but only for some
UK and European op risk executives were shocked when a EU Commission official revealed that although the beta for the trading and sales business line would be lowered to 15% from 18% in the EU's Capital Adequacy Directive, this benefit would only be…
HKMA to rule out AMA approach
Hong Kong’s banking regulator, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), will not allow the territory’s banks to use the advanced measurement approaches (AMA) for measuring operational risk when Basel II is implemented from the end of 2006.
Who Wants To Be a Compliance Officer?
High-profile scandals, hunting terrorist cash, and new regulations have made the role of compliance officer more demanding and less rewarding.
EU Commission publishes "final" CAD text
The European Commission released its final version of the legislative text that will implement the Basel II framework within the European Union at the end of last week.
Interest rate risk principles released by Basel Committee
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released "Principles for the management and supervision of interest rate risk" late last week.
VAR: ready to explode?
The SEC plans to force US securities firms to tighten up their value-at-risk reporting. Its decision comes as VAR at the world’s leading financial services firms soared an average 25.8% last year. Who are the biggest risk-takers, and are risk managers…
UK FSA writes AMA strategy anew
An official from the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) sketched in some details of the regulator's approach to the operational risk portions of Basel II implementation in that country at an operational risk conference held in early July in London.
US Congressman calls for op risk redraft
A Congressman and members of the banking industry lambasted the operational risk capital charge in Basel II at a fresh set of hearings, The New Basel Accord: Private Sector Perspective, held in the House of Representatives' Financial Services Committee…
Basel II Alert - Highlight of Critical Changes
It has been more than six years in the making, but the final text of the Basel II framework has arrived. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the text at the end of June to a mix response from the financial services industry.
Emerging slowly to Basel
Financial institutions in emerging markets are overly optimistic that they will implement Basel II on time, according to a survey conducted by the World Bank. The results were announced at the World Bank advanced risk management workshop in Washington,…
Sponsor's Article > Managing Capital in Financial Institutions
Capital is key to any financial institution. Companies in other industries need capital to buy property and production equipment. For financial institutions, the primary function of capital is to cover unexpected credit and market risks losses, because…
Deutsche appoints new head of operational risk
Deutsche Bank has internally appointed Christian Sewing as global head of operational risk management (ORM), replacing Fred Peemoeller.
Would like to meet...
capital introduction
Trading e-volution
electronic trading
SIA cautions on securities settlement
Management intelligence
EU CAD beta lowered – but only for some
Regulatory update
Losses and lawsuits
Loss database
A structured framework for KRIs
KRIs: An industry framework
Management intelligence
Boston Fed publishes new op risk paper
Measurement advances
Isda reports faster credit derivatives processing
Management intelligence
Op risk insurance thinking hots up
Management intelligence