Our take
It’s time to call time on leisurely disclosures by CCPs
When clearing houses falter, markets should not be kept in the dark for months on end
Derivatives pricing starts feeling the heat of climate change
Quants find physical and transition risks can lead to significant rise in CVA
G-Sib regime: something’s broken
US banks are taking the Fed for a ride – it’s time to address the issue
The case for reinforcement learning in quant finance
The technology behind Google’s AlphaGo has been strangely overlooked by quants
Confusion reigns as US prepares for Libor’s end
Mixed messages from US regulators make it more difficult to plan for life after Libor
How XVA quants learned to trust the machine
Initial scepticism about using neural networks for derivatives pricing is giving way to enthusiasm
The limits of a softly-softly approach on climate in China
Asset managers must put pressure on the companies they invest in
Time for BoE to rethink the leverage ratio
The disparity of treatment keeps UK banks on an unlevel playing field
Synthetic data enters its Cubist phase
Quants are using the theory of rough paths to distil the essence of financial datasets
Who’s afraid of the RPI-CPIH judicial review?
RPI trading booming as market ignores legal challenge to the transition
Fake data can help backtesters, up to a point
Synthetic data made with machine learning will struggle to capture the caprice of financial markets
US Treasuries: a venerable market in need of fresh thinking
The world’s most important market has evolved ad hoc; bringing order to it will be no small task
How Credit Suisse fell victim to its own success
Roots of Archegos loss can be traced to business strategy the bank embraced back in 2006
The Giancarlo spirit: wobbling but not falling
The burden of US extraterritoriality rules may be easing
For EU banks, there can be no ‘back to normal’
The ECB’s recent review of risk models shows lenders got it all wrong pre-pandemic
Games of hazard: NSCC’s margin waiver sets bad precedent
By waiving a $2.2 billion cash call for Robinhood, members worry the NSCC may have dug itself a trap
What good are risk disclosures anyway?
Regulatory filings and shareholder reports offered no heads-up of Archegos’ troubles
Rough volatility’s steampunk vision of future finance
Some of the trickiest puzzles in finance could be solved by blending old and new technologies
A look at future exposures, through a 19th century lens
Can a centenarian maths idea speed up the calculation of forward sensitivities?
Too much of a good thing? Banks mull over excess deposits
Surge in non-operating deposits leaves banks with a severe hangover
NSFR may clear up questions about Nomura’s balance sheet
The risks of off-balance sheet financing remain largely hidden from view
Put options power up variable annuities
Insurance quants increase risk-adjusted profits using novel hedging technique
Op risk managers could be Covid long-haulers
New threats sprang from old sources in this year’s Top 10 op risks, belying a big drop in losses
Italian job: the real UK stock trading heist
Italy has not been seen as a candidate to pick up business from the UK – until now