Technical paper/Risk management
Does board diversity mitigate firm risk-taking? Empirical evidence from China
The authors explore the relationship between firm risk and both demographic and cognitive-oriented board diversity.
Dynamic class-imbalanced financial distress prediction based on case-based reasoning integrated with time weighting and resampling
The authors put forward a dynamic class-imbalanced CBR FDP model which is shown, using data from Chinese listed companies, to outperform static and dynamic CBR FDP models without resampling or time weighting.
Operational risk: a global examination based on bibliometric analysis
The authors quantitively assess the quality of research on operational risk and find that research in this area has grown in popularity in recent years.
Machine learning for categorization of operational risk events using textual description
The authors summarise ways that machine learning can help categorize textual descriptions of operational loss events into Basel II event types.
Explainable artificial intelligence for credit scoring in banking
The authors put forward an explainable machine learning model predicting credit default using a real-world data set provided by a Norwegian bank.
“Closing the gaps: moving forward on tail risks in central clearing”: a central bank of issue perspective
The authors explain the priorities for CCP recovery and resolution from a central bank of issue perspective, focussing on structural barriers and how gaps could be overcome.
Choice of margin period of risk and netting for computing margins in central counterparty clearinghouses: a Monte Carlo investigation
The authors provide a quantitative comparison for evaluating the impact of collecting margins in a gross-versus-net system with the margin period of risk (MPOR) set to between one and five days.
Chebyshev Greeks: smoothing gamma without bias
A numerical method to obtain stable deltas and gammas for complex payoffs is presented
Bank-sourced transition matrixes: are banks’ internal credit risk estimates Markovian?
This study explores banks’ internal credit risk estimates and the associated banksourced transition matrixes.
Nonlinear risk decomposition for any type of fund
A risk decomposition by fund manager, factor or instrument is proposed
Agency problems in multinational banks: does parent complexity affect the risk-taking of subsidiaries?
This paper empirically reviews the relationship between the geographical complexity of parent-groups and the risk-taking behavior of subsidiaries using a panel of data for Polish domestically owned and foreign-owned banks covering the years 2008–17.
The role of management accounting practices in operational risk management: the case of Palestinian commercial banks
This paper follows an exploratory, descriptive approach to investigate the role that management accounting practices plays in managing operational risks in the Palestinian commercial banking sector.
Fighting Covid-19 in countries and operational risk in banks: similarities in risk management processes
This paper shows how banks managing operational risk and countries tackling Covid-19 could learn from each other to overcome obstacles in effectively mitigating major risks.
An examination of the tail contribution to distortion risk measures
This paper reports a method for analyzing the influence of the tail in calculations of distortion risk measures.
Risk disclosures in annual reports: the role of nonfinancial companies listed on the Athens stock exchange
This study analyzes the risks disclosed by all nonfinancial companies listed on the Athens stock exchange by undertaking content analysis of their annual reports during the period 2005–11.
The value-at-risk of time-series momentum and contrarian trading strategies
This paper not only provides a theoretical model for the value-at-risk of active and passive trading strategies but also discusses the substantial implications relevant to risk management.
A numerical approach to the risk capital allocation problem
The aim of this paper is to use a model-free, nonparametric approach based on the method of maximum entropy in the mean to solve the capital risk allocation problem.
A simple and robust approach for expected shortfall estimation
This paper proposes a simple and robust expected shortfall estimation method based on the tail-based normal approximation.
Procyclicality control in risk-based margin models
This paper revisits the procyclicality issue in risk-based margin models and provides additional insight on procyclicality mitigation techniques.
The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book and fat tails
Conservative capital buffers may not be enough to protect against tail events
A general framework for the identification and categorization of risks: an application to the context of financial markets
This paper is, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the first to develop an algorithm-based and generally applicable framework that generates an extensive and integrated identification and categorization scheme of certain risks by using text mining and…
The impact of culture upon operational risk management guidelines in the banking sector of selected Asian countries
The central banks of different countries regulate ORM according to the specificities of their national banking industry. This paper tests the hypothesis that such regulatory openness results in legal texts that are highly influenced by the culture of the…
From use cases to a big data benchmarking framework in clearing houses and exchanges
In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework that links the technical and business benchmarks in the domain of clearing houses and securities exchanges.
Bank supervision: lessons from the post-2008 banking crisis
This paper considers the learning points from official third-party reports produced in the wake of supervisory failures that can be applied to the management of front-line bank supervisors.