Risk management
Generalising universal performance measures
Performance and risk measurement are fundamental quantitative activities in finance, andnew ways of measuring them are always of interest. A recently proposed procedure is theuniversal performance measure. Theofanis Darsinos and Stephen Satchell show…
Green shoots for derivatives
Pension funds
Opportunities in illiquidity
Risk analytics for the buy side
Measuring risk
Risk management for investors
New England revolution
Public pension plans
Heroes or cowboys?
Banks and energy companies alike are sceptical about the role that hedge fundsplay in energy markets. Are they really an aid to market stability, or is theirpresence compounding market volatility? Paul Lyon reports
Simulating spots
Abstract: The use of Monte Carlo simulation is becoming increasingly importantin energy trading and risk management. Here, Les Clewlow and ChrisStrickland present the first in a series of articles looking at the implementation of simulationtechniques and…
Nord Pool’s back-up
Nord Pool Clearing is the first pure electricity clearing house to obtain capitalsupport through insurance to cover defaults by its trading counterparties. Areenergy companies set to follow suit? Joe Marsh reports
The right charge
Savvy firms now accept risk is inevitable. Those that use their risk capitalefficiently outperform those that don’t. Brett Humphreys looks at alternativeinvestments to find out what the right risk-adjusted return on capital chargesmight be
Crude protection
Oil producers are divided over the value of hedging oil prices. Are investorslooking for high returns and high risk, or more stable revenues? And how muchdoes hedging actually boost an oil producer’s value? By Joe Marsh
Using a square peg
Hedging load exposures is a complex issue, and plumping for hedging the expectedvolume is unlikely to be the best solution. Brett Humphreys and RahulGill showthat sometimes, the best hedge of a shaped position is an over-hedge
A fertile future
The CME is hoping its introduction of fertiliser futures will protect the industryfrom fluctuations in the price of natural gas – a vital ingredient in mostnitrogen fertilisers. But is it a case of too little too late? By Paul Lyon
Skating on thin Ice
Profits at the Intercontinental Exchange fell by more than half last year thanksto a contraction in over-the-counter revenues. Yet the exchange reports recordvolumes for its IPE business. Paul Lyon analyses the results
Repeal repercussions
Awards 2004
The big picture
Focusing only on measuring VAR and stress tests limits the role of the risk manager.And there are great benefits from a wider view of what risk management can achievefor a company. By Brett Humphreys
Sophistication and integration
Performance and risk
Risk management in a fund of hedge funds
Hedge funds
Dabbling in hedge funds
Asset allocation
Reputational repair
Mutual funds
Take your positions
Risk at the margin
Rankings 2004
Nuclear stockpile
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has come under fire for not adequately monitoring the decommissioning funds of nuclear power plants. But the NRC says the criticism is unwarranted. By Paul Lyon
Protection treaty
Matthew Saunders , of law firm DLA, introduces the bilateral investment treaty which, though often overlooked, can be an effective method of affording legal protection for energy investments and minimising energy project risk