Risk management
Risk managers still lacking influence, says report
Daily news headlines
Difficulties with deficits
Pension deficits have rocketed, with slumping equity markets decimating asset portfolios. Has this made bulk purchase annuity solutions more attractive or are the costs too punitive? Ryan Davidson reports
A return to structured products?
Structured products have been largely shunned since the collapse of Lehman Brothers last September, but low returns in other asset classes may prompt institutional investors to return to the sector in the year ahead. By Peter Madigan
Learning from Basel's mistakes
Regulators are looking again at the Basel II Accord in an attempt to incorporate the lessons learned from the financial crisis. What have Solvency II rule-makers learned from the Basel experience? Joel Clark investigates
Risk committees under scrutiny after Lehman collapse
How should banks be rethinking the composition and role of their risk committees in the wake of Lehman?
Clear benefits
The role of central counterparties is being given increased prominence in the over-the-counter markets, with regulators calling for clearing houses for credit derivatives. But how do central counterparties manage their risks? By Clive Davidson
FSA releases Financial Risk Outlook
Daily news headlines
Gas storage: rolling intrinsic valuation
John Breslin, Les Clewlow, Tobias Elbert, Calvin Kwok, Chris Strickland and Daniel van der Zee describe a simple to execute and risk-limiting trading strategy, the rolling intrinsic method
Lost shine
The blame game
Politicians clamour for OTC derivatives reform
Regulatory News
Bust beneficiaries
Exchange-traded funds
Analysing the Crisis
Misys launches proactive risk monitoring system
Daily news headlines
Changes in risk and compliance models are key crisis lesson
Daily news headlines
Ceiops releases governance paper
Daily news headlines
Risk USA: Buy-side expresses counterparty unease
Concerns about counterparty risk and its effect on the business of investment firms were raised repeatedly from buy-side market participants at Risk USA , which concluded on Wednesday in New York.