Risk management
Pass the microphone: Humphreys to Strickland
In this new column, an industry professional interviews a market expert of their choice. Next month the interviewee becomes the interviewer and chooses who to interview. The series is kicked off by Brett Humphreys putting his questions to Lacima Group’s…
Credit risk: The early warning signs
While more bullish analysts may be forecasting a return to growth for global economies, the threat of corporate bankruptcies remains elevated. Julia-Victoria Dück, Oliver Rambock and Christopher Hansert suggest a method for spotting the early warning…
Curbing your risk appetite
When setting their levels of acceptable risk, do firms know how much is too much? Deepa Govindarajan introduces the concept of a risk ceiling and investigates risk appetite
The hidden risk
Risk is inherent in the use of spreadsheets within financial institutions but it has long been ignored. Now regulatory scrutiny into processes is spurring growth in the market for spreadsheet control solutions. Nolan Gesher explains why they are worth…
Defining liquidity risk
When will firms start realising that liquidity risk contains operational risk? David Benyon argues that companies ignore this link at their peril, and looks towards a more all-encompassing approach to its management
Risk management: how to prepare for the next crisis
Nigel Milbank believes one of the causes of the recent financial crisis was risk professionals’ failure to persuade their organisations of the importance of risk management. Here, he outlines 10 ways to get people on board the risk train and to better…
Dubai: The legal issues highlighted by the crisis
Dubai World’s emergency debt restructure last year and the continuing debate over the integrity of sukuk products have rocked investor confidence in the Dubai International Financial Centre. Tricky structural work is needed to strengthen its legal…
WEF: Oil price spikes remain top 10 risk for 2010
Oil price spikes remain one of the World Economic Forum's (WEF) top 10 economic risks for 2010, with the risk-rating moving up to medium risk from low risk in 2009.
Cross-factor challenges
Banks realise the importance of measuring and managing risk on an enterprise-wide basis, but aggregating data across various business lines and obtaining consistent information remains difficult. How are banks responding to the challenge?
Rattled by ‘reg rage’
Financial risk management professionals are bracing themselves for a torrent of new rules and regulations in 2010, now the extreme levels of stress have abated. And the supervisors say they only have themselves to blame. By Asia Risk staff
Lessons learnt in 2009
For risk managers, 2009 was about dealing with the aftermath of the financial crisis, revisiting models and putting greater emphasis on liquidity and cashflow risk. Katie Holliday talks to experts about the major lessons learnt this year
Profile: Brett Humphreys
In the last interview in the Profile series celebrating Energy Risk’s 15th anniversary, Brett Humphreys talks to Rachel Morison about how risk management has evolved
BarCap launches LNG services with Excelerate deal
Barclays Capital today launched a liquefied natural gas (LNG) services offering with a new agreement to market Excelerate Energy’s LNG cargoes in the northeast US market.
The top 2010 risks: OpRisk's survey of the challenges ahead
The year ahead looks set to be one of the busiest ever for operational risk practitioners, as they struggle to meet regulators’ increased expectations and fight rising financial crime with fewer resources. OpRisk & Compliance outlines the top 10…