Operational risk
WHAT IS THIS? Operational risks are those arising from people, processes and systems – the biggest form of exposure for many industries, but one that was neglected by financial firms until the collapse of Barings Bank in 1995. It was added to the Basel capital framework in 2004, but attempts to model operational risk were dealt a heavy blow by the huge, unforeseen losses suffered by banks in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
Reputation biggest worry for asset management CROs
Daily news headlines
House of Lords criticises statistical models for op risk management
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Oblivious to danger
Risk governance
No looking back
Profile: John Whittaker
Lock, stock and barrel
HSBC adopts SAS enterprise fraud system
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London roadmap fails to address key points
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Fighting tough
Software survey
Firm guidance
Cover story
Lessons learned
OpRisk USA
Winning hearts
Embedding op risk
A clear example
Op risk in Australia
CopperEye identifies data-retention issues
Daily news headlines
Smaller funds lack op risk reserves, says survey
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Hedge fund op risk due diligence practice launched
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Fitch report explores concentration risk in Basel II proposals
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OpRisk Europe: FSA condemns operational risk weaknesses
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Tarp banks rush to repay to avoid regulatory scrutiny
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Automated FoHF reporting system aids operational risk analysis
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Cebs releases consultation on risk management guidelines
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