Operational risk
WHAT IS THIS? Operational risks are those arising from people, processes and systems – the biggest form of exposure for many industries, but one that was neglected by financial firms until the collapse of Barings Bank in 1995. It was added to the Basel capital framework in 2004, but attempts to model operational risk were dealt a heavy blow by the huge, unforeseen losses suffered by banks in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
Sponsored statement: Meeting the Solvency II operational risk challenge
Three industry experts spoke at an exclusive Operational Risk & Regulation webinar on operational risk and Solvency II and the challenges facing insurance firms today
StanChart's Cherriman harnesses people power
Andrew Cherriman, head of operational risk management for wholesale banking at Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore, says his ability to rely on expert staff is the key to operating a sound risk management system across the bank’s many jurisdictions.
Defining liquidity risk
When will firms start realising that liquidity risk contains operational risk? David Benyon argues that companies ignore this link at their peril, and looks towards a more all-encompassing approach to its management
Risk management: how to prepare for the next crisis
Nigel Milbank believes one of the causes of the recent financial crisis was risk professionals’ failure to persuade their organisations of the importance of risk management. Here, he outlines 10 ways to get people on board the risk train and to better…
Reality bites
Op risk management no longer sits solely in the theoretical space, and has been brought down to earth with a thud. Patrick de Fontnouvelle of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston predicts 2010 will be a year of focusing on the practicalities of…
Dutch banks take a new look at risk
Dutch banks were considered to be among the best and safest in the world, but now they are reducing their global presence and concentrating primarily on their home market. Boris Agranovich looks at what went wrong and at the local risk management…
Active risk control
Richard Bibb explores the pitfalls of value-at-risk statistics and explains how they can be interpreted and incorporated into a meaningful risk management strategy
Can reputational risk be measured
Reputational risk will often come hand in hand with operational risk, but it has yet to be taken as seriously, if it is even considered at all. David Benyon finds out why, and asks what might be done to resolve this situation
Coming of age
$urendra Naidoo, risk management director and group head of operational risk at Standard Bank, believes the operational risk function can claim success when the firm’s business managers are educated to the level where they manage op risk themselves