Basel Committee
Industry can't afford any more Basel II delays, says IIF
The Institute of International Finance (IIF) warned today in London that any further delays in implementing Basel II capital accord would cause serious problems.
Sponsor's article> Yorkshire Building Society Selects SunGard For Basel II Capital Management
London, UK– November 2, 2005– SunGard today announced that UK-based Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) is extending its relationship with SunGard with the selection of SunGard’s Basel II Capital Manager for retail, wholesale and securitization credit risk…
A step up the ladder
Basel II
Leading the pack
Basel II
Basel II delay will cost more to US banks
CRD challenges just beginning, say experts
Asia’s op risk quantification challenge
Perspectives - James Lin
10-year anniversary
Perspectives - Simon Topping
10-year anniversary
Perspectives - Phillip Straley
10-year anniversary
A step up the ladder
Basel II
The growing maturity of op risk and compliance
Risk's CreditRisk Summit 2005: Bottom-of-the-cycle LGD criticised
Speaking yesterday at Risk 's CreditRisk Summit USA, Bogie Ozdemir, a New York-based senior director in the risk solutions group at Standard and Poor’s, argued that Basel II’s suggested approach to defining loss-given-default (LGD) can lead to an overly…
ABI launches loss event database for insurers
LONDON – A new loss event database for insurance companies was launched at the end of September by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), in conjunction with software firm SAS.
Sponsor's Event> Algo Capital and Credit Forum 2005
Basel II and today’s market landscape make it essential for financial institutions to manage risk and capital in a systematic and transparent manner across the enterprise.
Apra exec defends modifications
SINGAPORE – An executive from the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (Apra) defended the supervisor's decision to dramatically modify its approach to the Basel II standardised approach in a discussion paper released at the end of July.
Building a capital plan
Banks are required under Basel II to have a process in place for assessing their overall capital adequacy in relation to their risk profile. Bernard Manson and Christopher Hall outline how to construct a capital plan to ensure minimum capital…
Sponsor's article> An Integrated Approach to Operational Risk Management
Over the last several years, major financial institutions around the world have struggled with a number of questions that have arisen as a result of challenging regulatory directives. Included among these are:
Looking for clarity
The European Union's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive is set for implementation in April 2007. But there's plenty of confusion as to what the new regulations will entail – particularly with regards to 'best execution'. By Hann Ho
Filling the ratings void
Unlike bond investors, structured products investors lack the benefit of industry-standard risk ratings. But with investors, IFAs and distributors all demanding change, Germany's investment banking industry, analytic firms and ratings agencies across…
Comment requested on revised non-Basel II capital adequacy standards
Several US banking oversight and regulatory agencies, including the Federal Reserve Board, have requested public comment within 90 days on proposed changes to current US capital adequacy standards. The revised standards would, in the future, apply to…
Uncertainty remains over Basel II, says Schmidt-Bies
An element of uncertainty still exists about the full impact of Basel II in the US, according to Federal Reserve board member, Susan Schmidt-Bies.