
IT is the place to be

Sara Utecht spoke with Christopher Cruden to hear all about Insch Capital's latest venture - an IT branch in Bulgaria ..

Reaching for the stars ..

Alpstar has launched a range of credit-related funds and products, and is branching into equity hedge fund management as well. David Walker sat down with the team at Alpstar to find out more ..

Far-sighted foresight

Stenham has got key decisions right, at the right time in the past, about the future, so David Walker asked Harry Wulfsohn about what the future now holds for the FoHF group

From alpha to beta

Michael Azlen, founder of Frontier Capital Management, explains to David Walker why he is no alpha fan

Tony Cocker

Tony Cocker, CEO of E.ON Energy Trading, is tasked with leading a new centralised European trading hub. It's a challenge he relishes, he tells Andrew Holt

Joined-up thinking

Platform's Piero Bassu tells Dippy Singh how keeping an eye on all aspects of risk has stood the subprime lender in good stead while its less disciplined peers have foundered

Profile: Matt Cairns

The senior European economist at, part of Moody's Analytics, talks to Matthew Attwood about the macro trends that define his business

Hedging into controversy

Stockholm-based pension fund KPA's interest rate hedging programme has put it at the vanguard of solvency risk management in Sweden - but unsophisticated local media has mistaken its prudence for a speculative punt on interest rate derivatives.

Mellon Global Alternative Investments - January 2008

Managing around $1.9bn in a number of MGAI funds of hedge funds specialising in these underlying strategies necessitates it, of course, but it is a key reason each of them is still smiling after summer’s thin markets and credit woes for many.

Profile - Andrew Kasapis

Matthew Attwood talks to Credit's new columnist Andrew Kasapis, director of consultancy Credit Hedge Ltd, about what was behind this year's subprime snarl-up

A prime time to invest

Choosing a prime broker can be a daunting task for any hedge fund manager. David Walker met Lehman Brothers' Gunner Burkhart for some tips on how to make the right decision and avoid the political pitfalls common in some investment banks

Foster Smith

Foster Smith, head of US gas and power trading at JP Morgan, tells David Watkins his fast-track career path is par for the course in commodities

Offering solutions

Mortgage software company Sopra Group aims to support the industry's pan-European expansion, as Tammo van Leeuwen, head of product management at subsidiary BAI, tells Dippy Singh

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