International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda)

Restructuring debate will rage on after CP3, says Munro

The Basel Committee's widely anticipated ditching of restructuring as a required credit event for capital relief in its forthcoming third consultation paper on Basel II, will not bring to an end the heated debate between hedging banks and investors over…

Restructuring debate will rage on after CP3, says Munro

The Basel Committee’s widely anticipated ditching of restructuring as a required credit event for capital relief in its forthcoming third consultation paper on Basel II, will not bring to an end the heated debate between hedging banks and investors over…

Buy side slow on FpMLtake-up

LONDON - One would be forgiven for thinking that Financial Products Mark-up Language (FpML) is another information exchange standard that has been superseded or has simply run out of steam, given the protocol's low media profile in the wake of the…

Majority of major corporates using derivatives - Isda

An overwhelming majority of the world’s largest 500 companies use derivatives to hedge their risks, according to the first corporate derivatives survey by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda), published at the association’s 18th…

Associations send repo VAR protest to Basel Committee

US and UK industry associations have sent a joint letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision expressing their "disappointment" that the multipliers for portfolio value-at-risk modelling of repo counterparty exposure will not be altered in the…

Isda survey finds credit derivatives market soaring

The credit derivatives market grew 37%, with total notional outstandings reaching $2.15 trillion, in the first six months of last year, according to the latest market survey from the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

Institute for Financial Markets names Hinko as president

The Institute for Financial Markets (IFM), a non-profit education foundation set up in 1989 as the Futures Industry Institute, has appointed Susan Hinko, former director of industry relations at online derivatives trading platform Icor Brokerage, as…

Isda muddies debt waters

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda) has finally released its 2003 credit derivatives definitions, which take effect on March 17.

Isda publishes new credit derivatives definitions

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association has produced a new set of credit derivatives definitions. Robert Pickel, chief executive of the trade body, said the updated definitions “reflect changes in industry dynamics over the past three years”.

Isda publishes new master agreement

Industry trade body the International Swaps and Derivatives Association has produced a new ‘master agreement’, a legal contract designed to standardise over-the-counter derivatives deals. It is the first time the document has been revised since 1992

Trade associations launch IRB survey

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the Risk Management Association and the British Bankers' Association today launched a survey of the validation of banks' internal credit ratings, a key element underlying the internal ratings-based …

Trade associations launch IRB survey

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, the Risk Management Association and the British Bankers' Association today launched a survey of the validation of banks' internal credit ratings, a key element underlying the internal ratings-based …

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