Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Too networked to fail?
The need to craft special treatment for banks that are too big or interconnected to fail has long been a concern for regulators, but of equal importance is the challenge of identifying which institutions should be subjected to such measures. How can…
Where there’s a will…
Living wills have quickly emerged as a new measure to ensure banks are better prepared for the next crisis. But clear definitions of exactly what information they should contain and how they should be drawn are lacking
Risk Europe: Industry should stop fighting Basel III and focus on transition
Senior Basel Committee member tells banks to get involved in negotiations over the phase-in period for Basel II reforms
Risk Europe: ECB insists eurozone bonds decision was its own
Political pressure played no part in ECB decision to buy bonds, says board member
Systemic risk regulators should direct policy not just give warnings, says HSBC's Haswell
Past experience suggests the new financial stability bodies should direct regulatory policies, not just warn about instability
EBF urges restraint on remuneration regulation to protect EU competition
An EBF report calls on EU governments to hold back on punitive reforms to banking bonuses because they may threaten the competitiveness of EU financial centres
Liberal Democrats plan unilateral approach to bank pay reform
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has committed his party to punitive unilateral bank bonus regulations in the UK election race.
FSB peer review report says jury still out on compensation structures
The G-20 FSB says financial pay structures are still evolving globally but that progress is good
European Commission admitted to CPSS/Iosco working group on CCPs
The EC says its seat on the steering committee will help keep global regulation coherent.
Remuneration: it's payback time
Disgruntled taxpayers and their political representatives are set on revenge, making bankers pay for their mistakes through compensation taxes and restrictions. But a more constructive approach will be needed to sustainably reform such a complex and…
West failed to learn lessons from Asian Financial Crisis
‘Hard fought’ battles expected ahead over scale and scope of new financial regulation
Questioning the compensation carrot
Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic have demanded that bank compensation packages are adjusted for risk. A variety of proposals have been released by individual supervisors, but they are simpler – and in some cases, more draconian – than many were…
Loan loss dynamics
The International Accounting Standards Board unveiled a new expected loss approach in November, following criticisms of the current incurred loss model. But European regulators have declared their preference for dynamic provisioning – and have even…
IIF calls for resolute G-20 in Pittsburgh
Policy letter urges G-20 leaders to agree action in five key areas
The chemistry of compensation
Regulators across the world are clamping down on executive compensation in a bid to align employee remuneration with sound risk management principles. Despite the good intentions, many of the proposals could have unintended consequences. Peter Madigan…