Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Supervisors on the tracks of shadow banks
Chasing shadows
More ETF regulation expected following BIS, FSB and IMF scrutiny
In the week that three intergovernmental bodies turned their focus on the ETF industry, market participants say they see more regulation ahead
FSB concerned about counterparty and liquidity risk in ETF market
FSB warns of counterparty risk due to rapid growth of synthetic ETF market; also expresses concern about on-demand liquidity in stressed conditions, particularly linked with vertically integrated providers.
Basel Committee’s Walter: Consensus reached on method to identify Sifis
The Basel Committee has now agreed on criteria for banks posing systemic threat; FSB agrees on accelerated timetable for G-20 recommendations
Regulators may keep it simple for Sifi selection
Regulators may keep the rules simple for Sifi selection process
FSB criticises industry for lack of progress on risk disclosure
Financial Stability Board says more action needed on liquidity, counterparty, structured credit disclosure practices
NY Fed’s Krieger: liquidity backstop for shadow banks vital
New York Federal Reserve executive vice-president Sandra Krieger stresses importance of backstop measures to reduce systemic risk arising from shadow banking activities
Dodd-Frank hinders new ODSG commitments
Rulemakings are undermining progress, dealers say
Securities regulators at odds over OTC shift to trading platforms
Iosco members fail to agree on whether organised trading platforms for derivatives should source liquidity from multiple institutions.
US Fed moves towards rules-based approach to bonuses
US banking regulators expected to require mandatory deferred bonuses and limits on upfront cash under the Dodd-Frank Act
Video: FSC's Jong-Goo Yi on Sifis and G-sifis post-G20
Korean regulator Jong-Goo Yi outlines how regulators are framing the debate on how to supervise systemically important financial institutions
The post G-20 regulatory roadmap
Regulatory roadmap
FSA consults on remuneration disclosure requirements
New consultancy paper from the UK FSA requires all firms to disclose their remuneration methodology under CRDIII.
Politics won't get in the way of Sifi plans: FSB's Draghi
Financial Stability Board chairman Mario Draghi says resolution regimes for systemically important banks operating across borders need not be bogged down in political tensions
G20 calls for bigger, better FSB to carry reform agenda
G20 leaders at Seoul summit identify areas in which further progress in needed, calling on Financial Stability Board to take the lead and drive reform; ask FSB to report on what extra resources it needs
Extra capital needed for institutions deemed too big to fail, FSB warns
FSB sets out broad direction for special treatment, but admits the possible need for national discretion.
Geneva Association: "stabilising" insurers should be better repesented in systemic risk supervision
Insurance think tank bemoans underrepresentation of the "firefighting" insurance sector in Financial Stability Board and confusion over its role in the financial crisis
Financial industry raises problems around remuneration framework at Cebs hearing
The remuneration proposals for EU banks would make it difficult for banks to recruit and retain people in Asia, and create large personal tax liabilities
IIF: Pay rates too biased towards front office
IIF: Pay rates too biased towards front office
IIF: banks must do better on disclosing pay practices
Regulatory requirements in the US and Europe mean banks now have tougher pay standards to comply with
Regulators to finalise living will proposals
Live and let die
Regulators tout new impact studies as proof of Basel III’s viability
Basel Committee and FSB studies play down the economic impact of Basel III - proof, regulators say, that the reforms are fit for purpose.
Regulators to present living wills proposals to G-20
Banks asked to draw up blueprints for resolution as part of a pilot scheme
G-20 pursues systemically important banks, despite abandoning levy
Banks will still face new constraints as the G-20 continues with plans to prevent them from posing a systemic threat.