Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Central banks ready to break swap market's Libor habit
Powell says Fed will "make sure" move happens in coordinated fashion
Powell says Fed will ‘make sure’ swap market can ditch Libor
Central bank will coordinate switch to new risk-free benchmark
IAIS warned over plans to shut members out of committees
Changes will prevent stakeholders raising 'red flags' to certain proposals
Carney urged to help end masking of swap counterparties
Top regulators want FSB to fix clash between reporting rules and privacy laws
Trade associations blast ‘flawed’ Basic Capital Requirement
Insurance industry responds to IAIS consultation on key G-Sii measure
Risk appetite statements 'most effective tool' for CROs
Regulatory initiatives welcomed by Australian financial services industry
FSB says swaps users to be pushed away from Libor
Market may not give up liquid benchmark of its own accord, regulators accept
LEI body names chief executive for identifier push
Stephan Wolf will lead effort for global identifiers
Reinsurers challenge enhanced G-Sii assessment
Swiss Re's Brahin says interconnectedness overstated
US congressional committee blasts Sifi designation process
Financial Stability Board labelled an 'old boys' club' by US lawmakers
Decision on systemically important reinsurers delayed
Designation process will be postponed until November
US opposition to ComFrame intensifies
Industry body claims global standards clash with domestic legislation
Conduct risk and PBR questions for Allstate CRO
CRO challenges at Allstate
Trafigura paper reignites debate on systemic risk
Commodity trading houses "not too big to fail", research argues
Group supervisors ‘lack teeth’ for regulating international insurance groups
Rights and responsibilities of supervisory colleges should be clarified, say insurers
Commodity traders not too big to fail, suggests FSB report
Trafigura, Vitol and other trading houses unlikely to be captured by proposed criteria for global systemically important financial institutions
FSB: work needed on consistent data standards
Public- and private-sector experts have worked hard over the past three years to develop the framework for a global legal entity identifier system, but more effort is needed to create consistent data standards for financial instruments and transactions,…
Leveraged ETFs under the spotlight
Imperfect storm
Fears over FSB 'influence' on global insurance capital standard
Financial Stability Board did not ‘want to waste a good crisis’, claims Geneva Association chief
National authorities have ‘moral obligation’ to introduce systemic risk measures - IAIS secretary general
G-20 pressure and FSB peer review will guarantee compliance of nation states
Shadow banking crackdown raises transparency concerns for insurers
National regulators to bring existing rules in line with prescriptive FSB policy recommendations on securities lending
Systemic risk definition for insurers flawed, says former IAIS counsellor
International policy-makers should offer clarity on risks posed by different activities, hears Insurance Risk Europe
Insurer global capital standard must be 'simple and pragmatic' says Ace risk chief
ComFrame must not be prescriptive if it is to enhance supervision of international groups
Commodity trading houses face questions over systemic risk
The rapid growth of commodity trading houses has led critics to question whether these firms have become a source of systemic risk. But trading houses strongly reject such arguments, and suggest they are little more than paper tigers. Alexander Osipovich…