Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Fed’s risk proposal puts banks on the defensive
New supervisory guidance will make business heads responsible for risk management
Revised Basel output floor could hit US banks after all
Fall in operational risk weights could push up capital requirements for market and credit risk
DTCC set to cut US Treasury clearing fees
Revised fee structure could prompt more firms to participate in clearing
Pimco calls for urgency on Libor transition
Bond giant wants SOFR rate published “sooner rather than later”; BlackRock raises questions over liquidity
Fed supervisor presses banks to address CCP exposures
Regulator says more information is needed to fully understand the risk of cleared trades
Banks, regulators clash over stress testing
OCC and NY Fed officials defend regulatory stress tests despite criticism from bankers
Libor’s sunset sees US repo market cast a longer shadow
Concern over structural deficiencies as SOFR chosen to replace key benchmark
Bailout obsession holds back US CCP resolution regime
Dodd-Frank leaves legal uncertainty, but proposed alternatives could be even worse
Fed examiner calls on banks to rethink KRIs
Most banks fail to establish explicit link between KRIs and identified risk exposures
Fed official: banks must recover from cyber attack in two hours
“If you’re waiting for us to give you regulation, you’re behind the curve,” says Fed’s Ferlazzo
Volcker fights back as prop-trading ban comes under attack
Former Fed chair tells Risk.net that calls for total overhaul of eponymous rule are misplaced
People moves: Jain joins Cantor
FCA hires Foulger; new CRO for HSBC; Goldman's senior shake-up; equities chief for Credit Suisse
Clamour grows for US Treasuries clearing mandate
HFT default could destabilise interdealer markets, participants fear
Operational excellence is what the public deserves
Public sector institutions must learn from best practice in the private sector
CRO says NY Fed faces same op risks as commercial banks
“The predominant risks the bank faces have shifted since the end of the financial crisis,” says Rosenberg
Fed’s Dudley: liquidity warnings a ploy to weaken regulation
“Most arbitrage trading has simply ceased,” Goldman exec counters
Op risk needs more weight in business decisions – NY Fed
Head of op risk supervisory team views tools as 'catalysts for change'
Fed official defends clearing incentives report
Risk Derivatives Clearing: pilloried report was "clearly useful", says clearing official
No quick fix to leverage ratio stance on margin, banks told
Regulators to address capital hit via standard on segregation – but not before 2017
OCC announces new deputy comptrollers, and other recent job news
Four new deputy comptrollers, within supervision, credit risk, and strategy
Op risk analysis underrates human behaviour – Fed examiner
Risk managers urged to focus on group dynamics
NY Fed's new cyber taskforce dismissed as “distraction”
RBS risk veteran says banking activities pose greater threat
New York Fed announces review into decision making
Response to criticism of deference to big banks
Conduct of senior execs key for banks, says head of Iosco
People are the biggest 'tail risk' in the financial system