Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Bailed-out basis traders face regulatory backlash
The cash/futures basis trade could be a test case for regulating systemically risky activities
Banks, regulators call for global climate risk standards
Carney and Winters warn private sector cannot move much further without lawmakers
FFCB pilots US Libor note fix as legal remedy stalls
Exchange exercise offers partial relief, but could be repeated as US issuers seek to safeguard contracts
Prime fund exodus threatens SOFR credit add-on
Falling commercial paper and certificate of deposit issuance could leave new benchmarks with data gaps
Protocol delay casts doubt on Libor death knell timing
Two-month delay to Isda fallback protocol leaves FCA’s planned end-2020 statement in the balance
New Tradeweb/IBA benchmark tipped as ‘competitor’ to SOFR
Forward-looking risk-free rate aimed at US mortgage market could have broader applications
SOFR basis blows out amid CCP discounting changes
Rate cuts may have exacerbated discount risk as basis swap opt-outs move deeply in-the-money
Q&A: New York Fed’s Stiroh on climate change and Covid
Co-chair of Basel task force discusses possible supervisory approaches to climate risk
Credit problem: SOFR faces uphill struggle in loan market
Furnishing Libor’s replacement with a credit-sensitive spread is proving to be a Sisyphean task
Appetite for renewed Fed dollar swap lines in doubt
With up to $300bn of positions nearing expiry, some say FX swap market can meet banks’ funding needs
Managing and mitigating operational risk in the Libor transition
In this webinar, industry experts discuss how, in the lead-up to 2021, firms are preparing for the operational implications of the Libor transition? They explore how their firms are adapting to alternative reference rates and mitigating the operational…
Banks reject SOFR in Fed’s Covid lending schemes
Emergency loans to businesses get caught up in Libor transition
El-Erian on Covid-19 policy risks and central bank capture
Former Pimco chief says Fed has gone too far, market function rules needed and chance opens for shared policy load
Banks fear time-limit on Fed leverage ratio reprieve
Capital constraints not covered by relief also weigh on balance sheet strategy
Money funds turn to Fed facility amid record inflows
MMFs are accepting 0% returns and waiving management fees to avoid ‘breaking the buck’
Rate volatility highlights benchmark flaws
Libor and SOFR in spotlight following market rout, as both decouple from commercial paper
US Treasury market holds its breath after high drama
Intermediation broke down after off-the-run bonds were dumped on banks
Pandemic threatens Libor transition plans
Resources diverted to Covid-19 response, as RFR-Libor basis spikes on stress
FCA dismisses Libor credit component concerns
UK regulator bemused by distress raised by US regional banks to Fed
Regulators urge buy-side action on Libor shift
ARRC set to release ‘checklist’ for buy-side firms, while FCA assesses exposures
Cyber attack could freeze US liquidity – NY Fed paper
Attack on one bank could affect more than a third of banking system’s assets, researchers warn
Sonia users push for official in-arrears rate
US Fed proposal for compounded SOFR index leads to calls for endorsement of NatWest’s Sonia calculation
In the US, it’s an even ‘tougher legacy’ for Libor
A legislative solution for cash products is in the works, but lawyers say it raises constitutional issues
Squeezed or saved? Market divided over year-end repo stress
Fears of a cash-crunch hang heavy despite Fed’s repo giveaway and move to term funding