Federal Reserve Bank of New York
The FSA’s hardliner
Oliver Page, of the UK’s FSA and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, says regulators should stay tough on credit and operational risk.
Unleashing Asia’s demons
The Basel Committee’s new consultative paper on capital adequacy could wreak havoc with Asia’s domestic banks. The revamped rules will make the shortcomings of their risk management systems all too clear.
Unleashing Asia's demons
The Basel Committee’s new consultative paper on capital adequacy could wreak havoc with Asia’s domestic banks. The revamped rules will make the shortcomings of their risk management systems all too clear.
A risk-control model for operational risk capital
Basel II's op risk proposals should allow for a simple internal model, argues Tony Blunden in his second article on the new capital adequacy accord.
Basel part one: the new accord
The Basel Committee’s second consultative paper on reform of the 1988 Accord on capital holds some surprises. Some believe regulatory capital will now have to rise. Dwight Cass reviews the changes.