Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Commodity crackdown
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has held hearings to determine whether it should set absolute position limits for energy and commodity market participants. How would CFTC-mandated position limits affect institutional investors, exchange…
Traders debate position limits at CFTC hearings
The CFTC announced plans to investigate the need for firm position limits in the energy markets on July 7, 2009.
CFTC and SEC plan meetings to co-ordinate activities
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will hold joint meetings in September to address regulatory overlaps, and streamline regulation of financial instruments.
Amaranth fined $7.5m for market manipulation and misrepresentation
Connecticut-based hedge fund Amaranth will pay a $7.5 million civil fine to settle charges of attempted manipulation of the price of natural gas futures and subsequent misrepresentation to the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex).
US legislation for OTC derivatives market published
The US Treasury has published draft legislation detailing its plans to fully regulate over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets and mandate central clearing for all standardised bilaterally negotiated contracts.
Regulatory turf war hits Congress
A battle for influence among US financial regulators broke out in Congress on July 24, as they testified before a Congressional committee on the merits of the Obama administration's proposals for regulatory reform.
CFTC prepares to limit energy speculation
The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) may limit speculative trading in energy products and other commodities, CFTC chairman Gary Gensler said yesterday.
Obama reform plans show no progress on OTC derivatives clearing
The Obama administration's much-hyped regulatory reform proposals disappointed over-the-counter derivatives dealers and end users yesterday by again failing to provide new details on how OTC markets with mandatory central clearing would operate.
Lukken leaves CFTC for NYSE Euronext
Walter Lukken, a commissioner and former chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), will leave the regulator on July 10.
CFTC targets dealers, leverage and counterparty risk
Gary Gensler, the new chairman of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), outlined tighter restrictions on derivatives dealers and traders in testimony to the US Senate yesterday.
Berkovitz named CFTC general counsel
Dan Berkovitz has taken over the role of general counsel at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at the request of Gary Gensler, the regulator's recently appointed chairman.
Gensler voted in as CFTC chairman
Gary Gensler, US President Barack Obama's choice for chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), was confirmed by the US Senate on May 19 by 88 votes to six.
Regulators and exchanges prepare for boom in carbon trading
As the Obama administration moves closer to introducing a cap-and-trade system for controlling greenhouse gases, US regulators and other players are preparing for steep growth in the emissions market.
CFTC prepares for carbon role
The CFTC expects to oversee derivatives products associated with carbon dioxide allowances under US federal cap-and-trade scheme
CFTC names Chilton head of energy committee
Bart Chilton, one of four commissioners at the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, took charge of the regulator's energy markets advisory committee yesterday.
US agriculture committee plans to ban naked CDSs
The US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture has published a draft bill seeking to limit the holding of credit default swap (CDS) contracts to market participants owning the bonds of the reference entity in question.
CFTC names temporary chief
Michael Dunn, one of the commissioners of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, has been elected as interim chairman.
The next regulatory era
Market turmoil and political pressure are forcing the US CFTC to consider implementing new derivatives regulation or face potentially draconian rules imposed by Congress, write Gregory Mocek and Athena Velie