Central banks
Plan for the worst, says regulator
The UK Financial Services Authority has warned lenders to prepare in case the funding markets stay shut
Industry sets template for loan modifications
A framework sponsored by the US administration to soften the impact of subprime resets provides comfort for servicers and clarity for investors
Storms brewing
Market making put to the test
Covered Bonds
Forget moral hazard
Mixed reaction to central bank liquidity push
Central banks acting in concert eased liquidity troubles at the end of 2007 but a more fundamental improvement in money markets will be harder to achieve, say analysts
Perfectly balanced
Die Herausforderungen der Policenverwaltung
A platform for success
Practitioner profile
The contractual trust arrangement
Technical papers
Solvency II - Auswirkungen & Implikationen
Der gesponserte runde Tisch
Aus der Perspektive der Branche
Going with the flow
Asia conference
Glancing back, looking forward
Outlook 2008