German insurers respond to ZZR reserve squeeze
That sinking feeling
Disclosure of Solvency II's long-term measures benefit risks ‘misinterpretation’
Dual-reporting could confuse investors and undermine confidence in the LTG package, say experts
Swedish insurers to suffer capital hit as regulator approves rule changes
Calls to delay December implementation fall on deaf ears
Insurers demand clarity on Omnibus II
Equivalence, credit risk adjustment and details on level 2 text urgently needed, say top insurance executives
Omnibus II agreement puts Solvency II back on track
More generous long-term guarantees package and long transitional period in deal
UK insurers dismiss risk of bulk annuity capacity crunch
Increased activity forecast for 2014, but rumoured supply overload unlikely
Barnier to attend crunch trilogue to see Solvency II negotiations ‘over the finish line'
Profound changes expected to long-term guarantees package
Index-based longevity solutions continue to face challenges, experts say
Basis risk continues to worry pension funds, consultants say, despite the latest attempt by Deutsche Bank to create a flexible index-based longevity hedge
Insurance Risk North America: CROs must avoid conservative culture
Regulatory mindset 'creates no value' for US insurers
Insurance Risk North America: Test data security, US insurers warned
Security test results may scare them, delegates hear
Insurance Risk North America: Insurers warn of over-reliance on 'captivating' models
Robust governance process needed for third-party models
Insurance Risk North America: Bank-centric capital backstop 'would threaten consumers'
MetLife CRO outlines company's proposal for backstop capital standard
Insurance Risk North America: Capital projection and stress test data challenge insurers in Orsa development
Industry trying to focus on Orsa and regulatory capital
Trilogue parties lock horns on Solvency II third-country equivalence
Commission seeks flexibility to unilaterally recognise US, but resists making temporary regime open-ended
Q&A: Commission Solvency II head Wiedner on closing the deal on Omnibus II
Klaus Wiedner, head of the insurance and pensions unit at the European Commission, has the task of brokering a deal on Omnibus II. As negotiations go down to the wire, he rebuts criticism that too many concessions are being made to the insurance industry…
The economic view
Insurers are using the delays to Solvency II to improve their economic capital models
Portfolio optimisation via replication
Filippo Della Casa and Michele Gaffo propose a new framework to run portfolio optimisation for life insurance business, by exporting the replicating portfolio technique from risk management to investment management. In particular, they develop a new risk…
Collateral management survey 2013: collateral concerns grow
Insurance Risk’s second collateral management survey in conjunction with BNY Mellon finds more insurers are taking steps to prepare for new derivatives regulation, but concerns about collateral availability are mounting
New Swedish discount curve rejects Solvency II methodology
Extrapolation method changed following concerns Smith-Wilson method impractical
Commission looks to review clause to close deal on Omnibus II
Extensive safeguards and supervisory controls to be built in to Solvency II long-term guarantees package, says Commission’s insurance head
No agreement in crucial Solvency II negotiations
Further trilogue scheduled as inconclusive negotiations continues uncertainty over Omnibus II package
ComFrame must build on existing regulations, say insurers
Prescriptive international regime would be 'very challenging' for firms
PRA U-turn on reporting in Solvency II guidelines implementation
Proportionality concerns remain as narrative reporting to be included in UK preparatory phase