Technical paper/Monte Carlo simulation
Rational shapes of local volatility
Rational shapes of local volatility
Cutting edge: Hedging price and volumetric risks of fixed-price load-serving contracts in natural gas markets
Cutting edge: Hedging price and volumetric risks of fixed-price load-serving contracts in natural gas markets
Adjoint Greeks made easy
Adjoint Greeks made easy
Adjoint Greeks made easy
Adjoint Greeks made easy
Adjusting value-at-risk for market liquidity
Adjusting value-at-risk for market liquidity
Cutting CVA's complexity
Cutting CVA's complexity
Analytical risk contributions for non-linear portfolios
Analytical risk contributions for non-linear portfolios
Analytical risk contributions for non-linear portfolios
Analytical risk contributions for non-linear portfolios
Cutting Edge introduction: risky contributions
Risky contributions
Hybrid correlation matrices
Hybrid correlation matrices
Perturbed Gaussian copula: introducing the skew effect in co-dependence
Perturbed Gaussian copula: introducing the skew effect in co-dependence
Being particular about calibration
Following previous work on the calibration of multi-factor local stochastic volatility models to market smiles, Julien Guyon and Pierre Henry-Labordère show how to calibrate exactly any such model. Their approach, based on McKean’s particle method,…
Right Laplace, right time
Right Laplace, right time
A new breed of copulas for risk and portfolio management
A new breed of copulas for risk and portfolio management
Cutting edge introduction
Be discrete