Technical paper/Basel II

A Merton approach to transfer risk

Transfer risk is the risk that debtors in a country are unable to ensure timely payments of foreign currency debt service due to transfer or exchange restrictions, or a general lack of foreign currency. Although this risk is not extensively addressed in…

PD estimates for Basel II

One of the main issues banks will have to face to comply with the new Basel II internal ratings-based approach is to prove that the long-run average probabilities of default they assign to their clients, which will be used as the basis for regulatory…

Benchmarking asset correlations

Basel II stipulates that the asset correlation to be used in calibration of obligor risk weights is20%. Here, Alfred Hamerle, Thilo Liebig and Daniel Rösch use a parametric model to empirically obtain asset correlations from a large database of…

Benchmarking asset correlations

Basel II stipulates that the asset correlation to be used in calibration of obligor risk weights is 20%. Here, Alfred Hamerle, Thilo Liebig and Daniel Rösch use a parametric model to empirically obtain asset correlations from a large database of…

Random tranches

How should economic or regulatory capital be allocated to tranches of securitisations? The standard Basel conditional dependence calculations are complicated in this case by non-linearity effects and complex deal dependence. Here, Michael Gordy and David…

Random tranches

How should economic or regulatory capital be allocated to tranches of securitisations? The standard Basel conditional dependence calculations are complicated in this case by non-linearity effects and complex deal dependence. Here, Michael Gordy and David…

Risk management based on stochastic volatility

Risk management approaches that do not incorporate randomly changing volatility tend to under- or overestimate the risk, depending on current market conditions. We show how some popular stochastic volatility models in combination with the hyperbolic…

Testing rating accuracy

As Basel II approaches the implementation stage, regulators have identified internal ratings validation as a key challenge for banks using this approach. Here, Bernd Engelmann, Evelyn Hayden and Dirk Tasche build upon previous research showing how to use…

Op risk modelling for extremes

Part 2: Statistical methods In this second of two articles, Rodney Coleman, of Imperial College London, continues his demonstration of the uncertainty in measuring operational risk from small samples of loss data.

Unsystematic credit risk

Although Basel has shifted its treatment of unsystematic credit risk from the first, capital rules pillar (where it was called the ‘granularity adjustment’) to the second, supervisory pillar of the forthcoming Accord, this issue is of great practical…

Avoiding pro-cyclicality

David Cosandey and Urs Wolf argue that, for small to medium-sized enterprises, Basel II is pro-cyclical because of a double-counting of the risks. They present two main directions for possible capital rules that would circumvent the pro-cyclicality…

The maturity effect on credit risk capital

In a mark-to-market approach to credit risk capital, ratings or spread volatility has the effect of making longer-maturity loans more capital-intensive. This is incorporated in the current Basel II proposals via a maturity adjustment factor. Arguing that…

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