Trading systems

In the clear

The trend away from uncleared over-the-counter trading to cleared OTC trading has prompted exchanges to list a greater range of OTC cleared products. But to what extent can the OTC markets ever become completely cleared? Katie Holliday investigates

Cloud cover

Grid computing was seen as the answer to resource-intensive risk management tasks, such as derivatives pricing, scenario simulation and stress testing. But some firms are now looking at cloud computing - vast collections of computing and data resources…

Trading Technologies expands team in Asia

Chicago-based trading platform provider Trading Technologies (TT) has made several hires in Asia, following the opening of its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore in July.

eSignal Europe vice-president defects to TT

Steve Stewart, vice-president and general manager of Interactive Data's eSignal division in Europe, has left the vendor to take up a new role at Chicago-based derivatives trading software vendor Trading Technologies in London.

Icap enters electronic futures fray

UK-based interdealer broker Icap will start electronic trading of exchange-listed futures contracts on its BrokerTec platform by the beginning of the fourth quarter, said Icap officials, reports Risknews’ sister publication, Trading Technology Week .

A bigger deal in platforms

After three years of consolidation in electronic trading, are brokers getting what they want from the players who are left and do the providers themselves know where they are going?

TT becomes latest service provider casualty

Trading Technologies (TT), a multi-market trading screen technology provider for exchange-traded derivatives, has become the latest casualty of the global economic slowdown, and has unveiled restructuring plans that included 37 job losses and the closure…

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