Solvency II
WHAT IS THIS? Europe’s Solvency II directive came into effect in 2016, putting risk at the heart of a harmonised prudential framework for insurance firms. Similar in outline to the banking industry’s Basel standards, Pillar 1 sets out quantitative requirements; Pillar 2 tackles risk management and governance; Pillar 3 addresses transparency, reporting and public disclosure.
Commission proposals to ease look-through rules ‘require clarification’
Exception in draft Level 2 text could exclude active funds
Insurers hunt for 'scale premium' in infrastructure assets
Size and tenor of deals grow in importance as illiquidity premium fades
Rapporteur Balz on long-term guarantees, Solvency II's level 2 and global standards
Two months after the landmark political agreement on Omnibus II, MEP Burkhard Balz discusses the thorny issues that did not make it into the directive, spells out his expectations for the level 2 text and gives a warning about the implications of global…
PRA wrestles with early-warning indicators calibration
Calibration for general insurers and with-profits funds frustrates regulator's progress
'No appetite to reopen Solvency II' in face of global capital standards - Balz
Omnibus II rapporteur fears additional burden of global quantitative requirements
From big data to smart data
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Commission urged to curb supervisors’ leeway on volatility adjustment
Delegated acts must set stringent conditions for calculating fundamental spread, insurers say
France to require full Orsa as it rejects Solvency II interim measures on governance
Insurance supervisor will also allow XBLR reporting, says regulator's head of Solvency II
New Solvency II capital charges still threat to ABS demand
European insurer demand for debt securitisations could vanish despite proposals for lower capital charges
UK regulator 'will not gold plate Solvency II' - Adams
Prudential Regulation Authority to copy wording 'as closely as possible'
‘Unhedgeable’ risk-free curve extrapolation method implied in Omnibus II text
Controversial Smith-Wilson technique expected to be confirmed in level 2 implementing measures
Global capital standard may require ‘adjustments’ to national supervisory regimes
European regulators prepared to reopen Solvency II to comply with future international quantitative standard
Insurers upgrade management actions models
The missing piece
Disclosure of Solvency II's long-term measures benefit risks ‘misinterpretation’
Dual-reporting could confuse investors and undermine confidence in the LTG package, say experts
Swedish insurers to suffer capital hit as regulator approves rule changes
Calls to delay December implementation fall on deaf ears
Insurers demand clarity on Omnibus II
Equivalence, credit risk adjustment and details on level 2 text urgently needed, say top insurance executives
Omnibus II agreement puts Solvency II back on track
More generous long-term guarantees package and long transitional period in deal
Barnier to attend crunch trilogue to see Solvency II negotiations ‘over the finish line'
Profound changes expected to long-term guarantees package
Q&A: Commission Solvency II head Wiedner on closing the deal on Omnibus II
Klaus Wiedner, head of the insurance and pensions unit at the European Commission, has the task of brokering a deal on Omnibus II. As negotiations go down to the wire, he rebuts criticism that too many concessions are being made to the insurance industry…
New Swedish discount curve rejects Solvency II methodology
Extrapolation method changed following concerns Smith-Wilson method impractical
No agreement in crucial Solvency II negotiations
Further trilogue scheduled as inconclusive negotiations continues uncertainty over Omnibus II package
PRA U-turn on reporting in Solvency II guidelines implementation
Proportionality concerns remain as narrative reporting to be included in UK preparatory phase