Trade of the month: UK alternatives to the FTSE 100
Trade of the month
FVC custom indexes
FVC custom indexes
Meteor offers typical review with kickout
A typical review
Indexes round-up
Indexes round-up
Structured products house of the year: BNP Paribas
Risk awards 2012
US investors target low-volatility stocks to mitigate risks of investing in volatility
US market sees large inflows into strategies that seek to offset risks of investing in volatility
Dow Jones Indexes launches commodity index with fuller curve exposure
Dow Jones Indexes and UBS Securities have launched an enhanced version of the DJ-UBS Commodity Index to give investors fuller exposure to the forward curve through a single index
Sponsored statement: RBS
RBS launches ground-breaking ETF
Indexes round-up
Indexes round-up
FVC custom indexes
FVC custom indexes
Exploring the alternatives to market cap weighting
The weighting game
Credit Suisse launches algo index platform with bespoke systematic strategies capacity
Credit Suisse has launched an algorithmic platform that enables the creation of customised indexes based on liquid and listed instruments to give investors access to systematic equity investment strategies
Tobam’s joint venture with FTSE set to open doors for ETF distribution
Tobam and FTSE have launched an index series based on diversification, offering a more risk-based view than the more traditional market cap weighting
S&P joint venture with Dow Jones will command $380bn of index-linked ETFs
Link-up will speed growth of S&P’s international index business as it gains access to some of the world’s largest derivatives exchanges
Index innovation
Index innovation
Cool response to Esma proposal that strategy indexes comply with Ucits diversification rules
The European Securities and Markets Authority has asked whether diversification within strategy indexes should be judged within the confines of Ucits, while also requesting responses to a discussion paper on synthetic and physical ETFs
Structurers seek ways to tap Chinese growth as equities suffer
Structurers seek ways to tap Chinese growth as equities suffer
Citi reveals dedicated quant investment strategies group
The shake-up at Citi now incorporates a new group, which will specialise in providing indexes and strategies
Investors urged to adopt a financial risk-based approach to environmental, social and governance factors
The financial crisis has led to a greater awareness of the need for a much broader analysis of corporate performance and risk that encompasses environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, rather than merely focusing on quarterly returns, say…
Index Innovation of the year
Index Innovation of the year
Trade of the month: Correlation
Trade of the month: Correlation
FVC custom indexes
FVC custom indexes