High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
Morgan Stanley LCR dips
Increased lending commitments boost net cash outflows
Crapo bill could end LCR limbo for three banks
US Bancorp, PNC and Capital One stand to benefit if House passes bill
Credit Suisse bolsters liquidity buffers
LCR reinforced in response to choppy markets
UBS liquidity coverage ratio shrinks after regulatory change
The rule change led to higher net cash outflows at the bank, which jumped 5.5% to Sfr135 billion in March
State Street bolsters liquidity buffers
HQLA share of investment portfolio grows from 61% to 70% in the first quarter
Basel liquidity rules block Fed’s QE exit
LCR and NSFR could produce $1 trillion shortfall in plans for balance-sheet ‘normalisation’
ABS set for revival under US Treasury’s liquidity buffer plans
Allowing securitisations to count towards LCR and NSFR buffers could boost ABS market
Banks fear uneven playing field on NSFR
Asian jurisdictions likely to implement key liquidity metric before US and Europe
UK proposes gold plating of liquidity risk rules
Cashflow mismatch risk framework aims to plug holes in Basel Committee's liquidity coverage ratio
Dealers turn to structured products for LCR relief
Liquidity options for tackling Basel-mandated LCR come of age
Cash is not king: unwelcome depositors seek new homes
Companies face more liquidity risk as Basel III prompts banks to reject excess cash