High-quality liquid assets (HQLA)
Regulators rethink Volcker overhaul to solve accounting glitch
Bankers urge cancellation of new definition of prop trades that could capture liquidity buffers
US banks pare reliance on unsecured funding
Average share of unsecured wholesale funding falls to 42% in a year
US banks bolster quality of short-term funding
Eight US G-Sibs increase share of total borrowings made up of well-collateralised repo
US G-Sibs cut $36bn of HQLA
Wells Fargo clears out $27 billion of HQLA in first nine months of 2017 alone
LCRs show US banks run more risk than European peers
The gap between the two averages has widened over the past three quarters to 250bp from 212bp
Societe Generale gobbles up liquid assets
French bank increases HQLA by €12 billion in third quarter
HQLA savings may hit $52bn for big three US regionals
US Bancorp could slash HQLAs by $24 billion if ratio is set at 70% for Category IIIs
Credit Suisse drains HQLA as business migration risk ebbs
Total HQLA fell Sfr13.5 billion to Sfr188 billion in Q3
US regionals may get $8bn capital break in Fed proposal
Under tailored framework, mid- and small banks would also get $77bn liquidity relief
US ‘transfer restrictions’ take a bite out of UBS’s LCR
Overseas subsidiaries are holding more HQLA to meet local liquidity requirements
State Street HQLA shift dampens investment yields
Allocations to agency mortgage-backed securities increase to 38.4% of portfolio total
Bank of America posts lowest LCR to date
The firm's LCR fell to 120% from 122% in third quarter
European LCRs improve as cash outflows drop and HQLA rises
Greek banks' liquidity buffers lag far behind EU average
LCR gap between EU and US banks widens further in H1
State Street had the lowest LCR, at 108%, and UniCredit the head of the pack with an LCR of 179%
Liquidity risk of non-systemic US banks differs from G-Sibs
PNC, US Bancorp, Capital One cannot rely on cash inflows in a market panic
US banks cut surplus deposits caught by LCR
Eight US banks show aggregate $6.5 billion decline in non-operational deposit outflows under liquidity measure
US LCR cash inflows dominated by secured loans
Median US systemically important bank counts secured loans as 73% of total cash inflows
Cashflow turbulence up at Citi, JP Morgan
Maturity mismatch add-ons have grown since June 2017
Tri-party repo switch prompts Credit Suisse liquidity boost
Swiss bank LCR surges to 226%
US foreign bank rules sap UBS liquidity buffer
HQLA fell Sfr2 billion in the second quarter, down 17% since US IHC formed
Large non-systemic US banks call for tailored liquidity rules
Two banks urge lawmakers to provide LCR relief because they do not fall into G-Sib category
Japanese banks load up on HQLA
Aggregate liquid assets increase ¥22.3 trillion year-on-year
JP Morgan, Wells Fargo excess reserves dwindle faster than Fed average
Total banking sector excess reserves have dropped 5.8% since Fed "normalisation" began