Hedge funds
Insurance one of the last ‘great opportunities' for investors
Attractive returns to be found in reinsurance risk via insurance-linked securities
Ucits VI threatens derivatives in alternatives funds, says Candriam
Sixth iteration of directive could pose danger to portfolio risk management
Bond-CDS basis trades have 'stopped working', hedge funds say
Arbitrageurs have exited trades, leaving basis structurally higher
Family offices need professionals, says PHF Capital's Fletcher
Investment veteran decries managers who aren't ‘real investment professionals'
Emerging markets domestic focus rewards Aperios
But fund not envisaged to grow larger than $500 million
Hedge fund managers still human, research finds
Funds fall victim to IPO hype and behavioural biases affecting traders
Esma's proposed AIF segregation will destroy liquidity
Tri-party collateral management "impossible" under AIFMD guidelines
Investor interest in credit strategies at three-year low
But flows into securitised credit strategies continue
Mifid II to result in massive transaction reports increase
New reporting rules bring technology challenges for managers
Hedge Funds Review European Single Manager Awards 2015: The winners
Manny Roman, CEO of Man Group, awarded for lifetime achievement
Esma likely to extend AIFMD passport to third countries
Withdrawal of national private placement regimes could follow in 2018
Omni: central banks pushing investors into risky assets
Inflation not driven by strong economic growth; symptoms of a financial bubble
Tail risk premiums versus pure alpha
Tail-risk skewness, rather than volatility, is correlated with risk premiums
Banks to be prohibited from hedge fund investments
But close-ended, unleveraged or Ucits fund may provide an exception
Risk Books: The Role of Currency in Institutional Portfolios
Momtchil Pojarliev talks about his book, The Role of Currency in Institutional Portolios, currency investing and the potential role of currencies in institutional portfolios.
Robert Litterman: lessons from the quant quake
Ex-Goldman partner says size, crowding and equity risk are bad for quant funds
BlueCrest: fixed-income market structure faces uncertain future
COO in interview cites equity-like evolution and regulation squeezing liquidity
Big data gives SEC new ways to spot misconduct – Bauguess
Innovative data tools behind big SEC successes
Radical change needed to close hedge fund gender gap
Asian hedge funds best for gender equality but Europe lags, research finds
Decline of FoHFs saps due diligence efforts
Investment consultants accused of offering poor substitute to decent research
Aussie super funds seek alternatives for diversification
Low returns from traditional investments are driving Australia's pension industry to look more at alternative assets
Millennium: selective price discovery mitigates illiquidity
Route orders to intermediaries willing to absorb risk, says currency manager
US and UK insider trading regulators diverge
Courts rein in SEC while FCA probes investors' poor safeguards
Lions' Den Series 2: Advice For The Cubs
Hedge Funds Review and Eurex invited successful candidate Patrick Boyle, Palomar Investments, and hedge fund investor ‘Lion’ Andrew McCaffery, Aberdeen Asset Management, into the studios to speak with Renaud Huck, Eurex Exchange-Deutsche Börse Group.