Wrestling with correlation
The correlation risk inherent in most structured products represents an ongoing headache for manufacturers. While new regulatory proposals would affect how much risk banks keep on their books, market dynamics are at play, especially the rise in…
India finds some forward momentum
The global financial crisis could easily have sounded the death knell for India’s nascent structured products market. But as the country’s equity markets have resumed their upward trend, dealers say equity-linked structures are catching on fast.
A ripening market
Market dynamics and the chequered history of structured investments in South Africa have recently favoured vanilla products featuring capital protection. But some local issuers are gaining traction with more sophisticated offerings. John Ferry reports
Murky business
A growing number of observers claim activity by some high-frequency trading firms amounts to little more than manipulation. Some people are throwing around words like 'criminals', 'indictments' and 'theft'. Is there any evidence of wrongdoing? Duncan…
Size matters at Lyxor
Lyxor has been building its exchange-traded fund business for eight years and now boasts EUR24.4 billion of assets under management - almost a quarter of the European market. What began as a single offering on the CAC 40 now aims to be a complete toolbox…
Transition revamp
The asset transition business is undergoing a major transformation, with strong risk management and pre-trade analysis capabilities becoming an increasingly important service differentiator. How are transition managers meeting the needs of Asian clients?…
Europe closer to cash equities code of conduct
Daily news headlines
No more Mifid regulation, says EC report
Daily news headlines
A return to simplicity
Structured products
Providers announce strategic alliance
Alliance struck in equity portfolio monitoring
DrKW builds exotic equity team
Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein has added four members to its exotic equity derivatives business. The hires were made to expand the team and the bank's structured products business.
EU Rules may shake up equity data
In a move that shows no good deed goes unpunished, industry associations and insiders want to nix a current European Union proposal to improve trade reporting transparency because the new regulation will have a host of unintended consequences.
Emerging nations consider Basel II
Latin America will be the non-OECD continent with the highest percentage of banking assets under the various Basel II op risk approaches according to a new study completed by the Financial Stability Institute.
Credit risk models enhance link between credit and equity prices, say BIS
The growing use of credit risk models is helping to strengthen the link between credit and equity prices, said the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
In need of reassurance
The knock-on effects of the crisis in equities has hit the insurance sector particularly hard – so much so that UK regulatory body the FSA has been forced to step in and allow certain insurers to breach mimimum solvency ratios.
Canadian regulator addresses derivatives-based insider trading
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) plans to introduce regulations that prevent sophisticated investors from using derivatives to circumvent current insider trading rules.
Style-based value-at-risk for UK equities
Risk measures