Swaps data: SOFR swaps slip, futures flip
After a banner month for the young OTC instrument in January, volumes then halved
Swaps market heading for Libor fallbacks clash
Euro market goes own way on question of how to replace term Ibors with overnight RFRs
Brexit clouds future for Euribor and Eonia in UK
Clashing deadlines threaten to scuttle rates, but ‘in-flight files’ bill might save them
EU lawmakers open to delaying ban on critical benchmarks
MEPs propose two-year reprieve for Eonia and Euribor if contractual continuity is at risk
Swaps data: Sonia growth spreads down the curve
New figures show boom in sterling OIS swaps is not limited to short-dated trades
Ripple effect: The impact of moving away from Libor
Sponsored Q&A
Esma: Eonia can be used in CSAs after 2020
Swaps users can avoid repapering before BMR deadline but may face basis risks
Offshore Eonia? A weird idea for weird times
As pressure builds in the search for a new rate, some non-EU banks are looking at ways of keeping the existing one alive
Brexit, EU regulation and a new benchmark
The week on Risk.net, July 28-August 3, 2018
ECB looks to ‘accelerate’ Ester publication
Industry pleas to publish new risk-free rate earlier may be finally answered
Benchmark bother: Europe frets over new risk-free rate
Unsecured fixing from ECB faces off against two repo-based rates, as 2020 benchmark deadline looms large
Eonia woes hold up euro swaptions switch
Eleventh-hour derailment for project that has been in the works for a year
Euribor can stay if reforms succeed – ECB’s Holthausen
Regulator also sees no clear favourite in array of Ibor fallback approaches
Euro swaps market faces loss of key basis hedge
New Eonia/Euribor swaps will be barred from 2020 if Eonia fails to comply with EU benchmark rules
Swaps users face tense wait for Euribor all-clear
Euro swaps market would have a year to replace rate if it fails to comply with EU benchmark rules
Scrapping of Eonia revamp piles pressure on ECB
Dealers fear central bank's new rate won’t arrive in time to create swap curve by 2020
Euro swaptions market prepares for pricing revamp
Interdealer market to adopt collateralised cash price from July, but some fear impact on legacy books
Eonia jump forces rethink of euro swap pricing
Traders say volatility of discount rate should be taken into account after "unprecedented" 12bp move
FSB report highlights Eonia worries
Market participants concerned about health of euro overnight rate, which is crucial to swaps contracts
Europe’s Eonia dilemma
As Europe begins formal search for new risk-free rate for swaps, it is unclear whether Eonia will survive
ECB backed to fix floundering euro swaps reform
Swiss, UK and US progress leaves euro swaps market playing catch-up in rates reform
FCA moots synthetic Libor as rates fallback
Once Libor is allowed to die, replacement could be risk-free rate plus fixed credit spread
The price is still wrong: banks tackle bond CSA discounting
Diverging Eonia and European repo rates spur banks to look at valuations of swaps with bond collateral
Brexit or Bremain: looking for clues in bubble analysis
Crisis analysis model suggests rates and credit markets see danger