Energy trading
Models of good behaviour
The development of new models that describe the real dynamics of energy prices have to take into account the behavioural aspects of market players. The problem is how to quantify these aspects. Maria Kielmas reports
Pumping up prices
Gasoline prices in the US hit all-time highs in March, and the price is expected to remain high throughout the summer. Kevin Foster looks at the contributing factors
The return of Russian crude
Russia has reclaimed its position as the world’s biggest oil producer for the first time in a decade – but uncertainty is still preventing some foreign oil firms from making the investments the country needs to fulfil its potential. Kevin Foster reports
Seam shifts in central Europe
Gordon Feller looks at the changing coal economies of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia and the effect of electricity sector moves in the region
Online clearing: the shape of energy markets to come
The energy trading market is moving towards a structure in which participants achieve market presence through a dedicated market network, rather than having to use local or regional exchanges, says strategic consultant Chris Cook
Coal on the rocks
Faced with liquidity problems, falling volumes and uncertainty over the accuracy of price data, coal trading has had many of the same difficulties as the natural gas and power sectors over the past year. How can it get back on its feet, asks Kevin Foster
US gas market challenges
A new report from the investigative office of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission finds that competitive natural gas markets in the US are robust, but warns of challenges ahead. Kevin Foster reports
In search of transparency
The open secret of index price manipulation in the natural gas sector is officially out, and the industry is scrambling to reform the system. Kevin Foster reports
El Paso helps RiskMetrics adapt
RiskMetrics Group, a company more often associated with the financial sector, is implementing its risk solution software at energy firm El Paso Corp. How is it adapting the software to the specifics of the energy sector? Kevin Foster reports
A safety net for energy traders
Will the Edison Electric Institute’s master netting agreement help reduce credit risk for energy traders? Kevin Foster takes a look at this new initiative
Fighting oil volatility
Oil cartel Opec froze its production output level at its last meeting in September. With war in Iraq on the cards, Shifa Rahman reports on the future of oil volatility
Cleaning up in California
As oil majors embrace the use of ethanol in Californian gasoline, analysts are warning that it will cause a rise in prices at the pump, as Kevin Foster discovers
Brent’s liquidity crisis
The decision by energy information provider Platts to alter the definition of its Brent benchmark price has forced the issue over the crude blend’s liquidity problems, reports Matt Horsbrugh
Banks take shelter in derivatives
While some banks have found the weather derivatives market a non-starter, others are doing deals worth more than $100 million. Eurof Thomas reports
Stand-off over hub plans
German firms Ruhrgas and BEB Erdgas & Erdöl and Norway’s Statoil say they want to work with Gasunie on developing the northwest European natural gas trading hub. Gasunie is making similar noises. So why the separate plans, asks Peter Joy
Airlines tackle price turbulence
Industry woes force airlines to get serious about improving efficiencies, including implementing new hedging and procurement tools, as Don Stowers discovers
When the wind doesn’t blow
In light of the increased interest in investing in renewable energy following the publication of the EU renewables directive in September, David Pethick, Rebecca Calder and Chris Clancy suggest a method of reducing wind risk
LNG comes in from the cold
Will the current rise in activity in the liquefied natural gas industry result in the product being traded in the same way as other commodities? By Eurof Thomas