Dodd-Frank Act
WHAT IS THIS? Properly known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, this controversial US legislative package enacted a host of reforms agreed by the G20 nations in the aftermath of the financial crisis, including rules on the clearing, execution and reporting of standardised swaps. It also introduced the Volcker rule ban on proprietary trading by banks, and a new way of liquidating big institutions.
Editor's letter: April 2011
Editor's letter: April 2011
Risk Europe: Dodd-Frank rating requirement has competitive implications under Basel III
The requirement under the Dodd-Frank Act to eliminate any reliance on external credit ratings could put US banks at a competitive disadvantage under Basel III, says the Basel Committee’s Stefan Walter
Funding and pricing OTC derivatives proves treacherous in Australia
Treacherous path ahead
JWG risk data survey shows firms slow to respond to regulation
Survey from London-based think tank shows firms not yet ready to meet the data challenge posed by new financial regulation
MF Global looks to take more risk
"We're not taking enough risk"
Sponsored statement: LCH.Clearnet
Tested model proves the clear choice in Europe and the US
Sponsored webinar: Thinking holistically – the benefits of enterprise risk management
Thinking holistically – the benefits of enterprise risk management
US regulators propose standards to give securitisers skin in the game
Regulators release risk retention rule; publish a specific loan-to-value ratio for those mortgages that will be exempted
Time runs out for position limits comments
CFTC’s latest position limits plan attracts thousands of comments; opinion deeply divided; new commissioner to affect final vote
Ex-CFTC enforcement head: Dodd-Frank anti-manipulation standard unclear
Anti-manipulation proposal could be challenged if made law; former CFTC enforcement director calls for clear standard based on precedent
Concerns over CFTC funding cuts
Rough rules
Voluntary commitments take back seat to Dodd-Frank
Losing commitment
Dodd-Frank hinders new ODSG commitments
Rulemakings are undermining progress, dealers say
Experts discuss need for commodity speculation
Squeezing out speculative capital will affect commodity market liquidity, regulator must engage with market to prevent unintended consequences
Q&A: Craig Donohue, Chief Executive Officer, CME Group
Renewed risk appetite
Energy Risk Software Rankings 2011
All systems go
The ORR Innovation Awards 2011
ORR recognises those in the operational risk management profession who are working to ensure op risk keeps developing, and that it stays high on management’s agenda
CFTC divided on user fee for regulated entities
Commission split on budget proposal to part-fund agency with fees
McKessy rejoins SEC to head whistleblower office
Former enforcement counsel named to head new office
Risk Awards Video: What is the biggest challenge for 2011?
A new video from Risk magazine. Winners of the 2011 Risk Awards were asked what they saw as the biggest challenge in the industry for 2011.
Securities regulators at odds over OTC shift to trading platforms
Iosco members fail to agree on whether organised trading platforms for derivatives should source liquidity from multiple institutions.
Fed’s Tarullo outlines OTC derivatives reform agenda
Federal Reserve governor Daniel Tarullo stresses importance of central counterparties, close scrutiny of market participants