Riksbank's Persson: Making the European financial system safer
Regulators and politicians know what needs to be done to put the eurozone on an even keel and fix the holes exposed by the subprime crisis, says Mattias Persson, head of financial stability at the Sveriges Riksbank, Sweden’s central bank. The result will…
Cebs to disclose stress-test results, says EU Council
The European Council has mandated Cebs to issue the results of this year's stress-testing exercise of the EU cross-border banking sector
Governance returns
Excessive risk-taking was a major cause of the recent meltdown in the financial markets. Time, then, for corporate governance to return in force
Risk.net readers back California's CDS reporting demand
A recent online poll found a small majority backing California's demand for banks to reveal their involvement in the state's credit default swaps.
Divine illumination
Last year's OR&C top 100 banks study identified 'A new dawn for disclosure'. Things have hotted up since then, and now banks face not only a level of exposure and transparency never seen before, but also stricter regulation on almost every front…
Retention rage
The European Parliament and the US Treasury are pushing ahead with plans to introduce retention charges for securitisation deals in an effort to align the interests of investors and originators. But market participants complain the move is ill-conceived…
SEC proposes pay disclosure beyond the board
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FSA aims to prolong short-selling disclosure
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Cesr produces FAQ for Transparency Directive
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Cebs announces banking transparency hearing
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RBS fails to provide pay information
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UK FSA proposes permanent short-selling disclosure
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FSA lifts short-selling ban but disclosure rules stay
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A losing streak
Foreign exchange
Cebs: Bank risk disclosures could be better
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BBA publishes conclusions on Basel II Pillar III
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