Corporate bonds
Traders say BoE green bond purchase scheme could sap liquidity
Updated plan could spike market volatility – harming not only brown bonds, say dealers
CanDeal ideal: could Canada make a sea-change in e-trading?
E-trading firm aims to capture all Canada’s electronic fixed income trade, requiring a culture shift
US Fed facility bought Libor bonds with ‘weak’ fallbacks
Industry surprise over purchase of floaters linked to doomed benchmark
Bonds fall from favour as shock absorbers for equity losses
Ultra-low rates force investors to rethink role of fixed income as diversifier
SOFR credit debate is “hindrance” to corporate transition
Libor Telethon 2020: NACT chair calls for clear path towards SOFR adoption before 2023 switch-off
Canada pension fund Hoopp goes cool on bonds
$70bn investor rethinks LDI strategy to take into account paltry yield from fixed income
Botched copy: Esma delivers cut and paste pastiche of Trace
Mifid transparency mishmash misses key aspects of US system it emulates, say dealers
Cross-border bank loans fizzled in Q2 as bonds soared – BIS
Outstanding dollar-denominated bonds climbed 4% over Q2
Corporate bond markets need more transparency – not less
Regulators should do more to promote pre- and post-trade transparency in corporate bonds
EU insurers’ fund holdings battered by Covid in Q1
Total asset portfolios declined 6% through Covid shock
Buy side confronts dealers over unreliable bond prices
Investors are quantifying the quality of indicative prices and banding together to tackle the issue
Tri-party repo trades backed by GSE debt gain popularity
Agency bond trades made up 37% of total tri-party transactions on September 4
Eurozone funds charged into overseas debt in Q2
Net purchases almost reversed the first quarter’s fire sale
Altman: mega-bankruptcy wave coming
Credit conditions were worsening before Covid, research finds
Volatility scaling flops in credit alt risk premia
Strategies miss recovery from March plunge, prompting rethink on speed of mean reversion
China bond buyers tiptoe through credit analysis minefield
State backing for domestic companies is hard to gauge, as new investors are discovering
CSDR buy-ins – next on the regulatory chopping block?
A big jump in trade fails is adding to doubts about the EU’s settlement discipline regime
Covid-19 chaos drains Axa’s Solvency II ratio
French insurer’s regulatory capital ratio is at its lowest since the Solvency II regime took effect
Electronic bond trading stalled in volatile markets
Bid/offer spreads on bond platforms spiked in March and the buy side struggled to trade
Bond managers relaxed ahead of bumper index rebalance
Fed’s credit facilities boost confidence as downgrades hit corporate bond indexes
Index delays leave passive bond funds in purgatory
Moves to postpone index rebalancings could backfire as rating agencies press ahead with downgrades
Corporates sprint to lock in low rates
Dealers are seeing increased demand for interest rate hedges despite higher execution costs
EU funds loaded up on US debt in 2019
Net purchases of US debt up +962% in 2019
Full stream ahead for bonds
Price streaming offers cost savings and operational efficiencies, but it could fragment liquidity