Climate change

Climate-policy-relevant sectors and credit risk

This paper explores the relationship between banks exposed to climate-policy-relevant sectors and credit risk, finding that banks exposed to higher carbon emitting sectors are subject to greater credit risk than those exposed to less carbon emitting…

ESG: the new risk factor in your portfolio

Risk officers, managers and quants at leading buy-side firms are experimenting with ESG as an ‘alpha enhancement’ to day-to-day risk management, to stay ahead of the pack and boost profit-and-loss margins

ESG and climate risk: special report 2022

This Environmental, social and governance (ESG) and climate risk special report brings together a collection of articles that explore the latest issues in assessing and managing ESG and climate risk. The tide is turning, with many more firms now…

Impact investing: trends and best practices

A panel of investment specialists discusses the rapidly expanding world of environment, social and governance (ESG) investing, with a particular focus on climate. They discuss best practice for achieving impact investing, their expectations on climate…

Carbon markets: what to watch

As carbon markets take on increased importance, Victoria White, senior associate at Allen & Overy, discusses the outlook for carbon trading, highlighting the key developments shaping these markets

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