Isda AGM: CCPs fear clearing stampede
Market participants now have months, rather than years, until the Dodd-Frank clearing mandate takes effect - and CCPs are worrying about a last-minute rush
Isda AGM: Margin regime ups liquidity risk, buy-side firms warned
Collateral demands will be pro-cyclical - rising as markets become stressed - and will be generated by uncleared as well as cleared trades, DE Shaw treasurer tells Isda conference
To clear or not to clear? Corporates urged to weigh options
Despite hard-won exemptions, corporates should consider the pros and cons of clearing, according to panellists at an ACT event - but treasurers remain unconvinced
CPSS-Iosco lifts cloud on forex options clearing
CCPs do not have to guarantee settlement, CPSS-Iosco rules - but issue could still have some way to run
Ever heard of the WGMR?
Working Group on Margining Requirements is keeping a low profile
Regulators look out for clearing dodges
Out of the clear?
Each: CCPs seek safety in numbers
Each and everyone
US clearing head leaves Morgan Stanley
New York-based client clearing head leaves as OTC clearing competition hots up
Canada clearing paper will not address CCP location question
A consultation on OTC clearing is expected in the coming months, but a key question will not be answered
Risk Annual Summit: Central clearing divides buy side
A hammer to crack a nut, or a chance for everybody to win? Buy-side panellists disagree on the merits of central clearing
Risk Annual Summit: No answers on how to cope with CCP default, says Pearson
Regulators are looking at how financial markets could be proofed against the collapse of a CCP – but there are more questions than answers at the moment, says the EC’s Patrick Pearson
Dealers worry about risk of $500bn overnight liquidity drain
Dealers are concerned that intra-day margin call guidelines, which they claim could drain up to $500 billion from financial markets, could make it into final CPSS/Iosco principles
FSA: facing up to cross-jurisdiction conflicts
Juggling across jurisdictions
More sovereigns edge towards two-way CSAs - and clearing
Towards two-way CSAs
Lsoc should not be introduced for futures, CFTC hears
Lsoc is 'not fit for futures'
Futures markets could get OTC-style safeguards
Futures market participants expect tougher - and more expensive - collateral protections to be introduced as a result of the MF Global debacle, and the CFTC is ruling nothing out
CCPs fear prescriptive Esma standards on margin and risk
Esma could take key risk management decisions out of the hands of CCPs, according to new discussion paper on the technical standards required by European clearing rules
Tri-party repo taskforce to disband without delivering key reform
The New York Fed's concerns about intra-day credit should be tackled by JP Morgan, BNY Mellon and DTCC, an industry taskforce concludes
Eurex to offer full segregation in March launch of OTC clearing
Eurex Clearing plans to be the first OTC clearer to offer full segregation of collateral when it launches in March - demand has risen since MF Global collapse
Wells Fargo: late entrant to the OTC clearing race
A credible competitor
Icap’s forex e-trading platform to offer outright forwards
Icap’s forex spot and NDF electronic platform, EBS, is looking to diversify into outright forwards and other services this year
Czech central bank concerned over Esma's power
National supervisors should be responsible for their domestic institutions, says Czech National Bank
Basel capital rules threaten client clearing
A blow to client clearing