Esma clearing draft prompts new focus on frontloading
Dealers may push for get-out clauses in trades with smaller clients
US firms frustrated by EU clearing timeline
Deadline may not bite until December 2016 for most European firms
Need to identify AIFs within fund structures for Emir
AIFMD implementation in jurisdictions is a key factor
Banks look to pass CCP investment losses to clients
End-users set to bear brunt of losses, say lawyers
Retreating FCMs spark systemic risk fears
There may not be enough banks to handle rising cleared swap volumes
Four questions raised by CFTC’s plans for non-US CCPs
US regulator will lean on international principles – but to what extent?
QCCP stand-off could hurt EU banks, says CME's Taylor
European members of non-EU CCPs face "capital cliff"
Nine foreign banks join Shanghai for mandatory IRS clearing
Significant global players not on list to join Shanghai Clearing House
Connecting the dots in Europe’s client clearing framework and segregation models
Sponsored forum: Clearing & segregation
Basel exposure limits raise questions for client clearing
CCP exposures not in scope of new regime, but clearing members are
Collateral and counterparty tracking: Emerging initial margin requirements
Content provided by IBM
CME Clearing Europe: Scale will count, says Betsill
New chief exec prepares for "intense" European clearing fight
Clearing costs creep up for clients
FCMs said to be struggling to turn a profit
Collateralisation jumps by a fifth - Isda margin survey
Corporates lag other participants; less than a third collateralising
Eurex takes aim at SwapClear in clearing cost study
German CCP cites cross-product efficiency as chief advantage
Emir frontloading: crunch talks due this week
Dealers hoping to escape retroactive EU clearing mandate
Banks call for CCPs to act on compression
Revamped service at LCH.Clearnet has $200 trillion target for 2014
Isda AGM Roundtable: What OTC reform means for end-users
Isda directors warn on fragmentation, access and liquidity - but expect problems to pass
OTC reforms: Numbers only tell part of the story
Derivatives reform glass is half-empty for regulators
Nasdaq OMX to decide on forex clearing by mid-2014
Clearer is talking to banks about possible service
Japan FSA proposes two phases for mandatory clearing
Japan expands scope of clearing regime
Holes expected in South Africa’s draft clearing rules
Proposed regime could arrive this month, but scope will remain unclear
Korea trading error prompts global clearing house review
KRX is rethinking its own rules in the event of a member default