Basel II
Firm guidance
Cover story
Lessons learned
OpRisk USA
A clear example
Op risk in Australia
Fitch report explores concentration risk in Basel II proposals
Daily news headlines
Q&A: Russia's chief bank supervisor explains Basel II delays
Alexey Simanovsky, director of banking regulation and supervision at the Bank of Russia, updates Risk on Basel II compliance and other risk management issues affecting the local market.
UAE enforces tighter capital adequacy rules
Daily news headlines
The dragon advances
Op Risk in China
Op risk centre stage
Profile: Domingos Figueiredo de Abreu
A vicious circle
Regulators are looking at how best to ensure capital adequacy rules are not pro-cyclical. The Basel Committee has proposed changes to its market risk rules, but further, counter-cyclical changes have been suggested. What is being considered and what are…
Role models required
Editor's letter
Concrete steps taken on international regulation
Daily news headlines
Basel Committee says banks need higher capital and dynamic provisioning
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Economists draw up G-20 policy proposition
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Basel Committee to look at Tier 1 capital quality
Daily news headlines
The history of op risk - The unsung hero
The history of op risk
Long overdue
New due diligence and risk weighting guidance for resecuritisations aims to prevent a repeat of the credit crisis, but should these measures have been included in the 2006 version of Basel II? By Peter Madigan
Pillars II and III stalled in global Basel II implementation
Daily news headlines
Budgets hit internal and external systems: encourage holistic approaches
Daily news headlines
Operational risk experts ponder future of Basel II
The ongoing financial crisis has led risk professionals to question whether the Basel II framework needs to be modified to improve firms' ability to assess and manage risk. And while the general consensus is that revisions are needed, questions remain as…
City bonuses may not be closely regulated in the UK
Daily news headlines
Basel Committee out with Basel II enhancements
Daily news headlines