All dried up
Liquidity risk
Cutting the Gordian knot
Basel II remains wedded to incremental extensions to the market risk rules. It is time for a bolder approach in this area, argues David Rowe
The value of a system
Collateral management
An outlook on own funds
GDV Comment
The policy administration challenge
GDV Technology
CPDO ratings scorned at credit risk summit
Rating agencies have come under attack once again for assigning ratings to constant proportion debt obligations (CPDOs), during a panel discussion at Risk’s 2007 Credit Risk Summit Europe in London.
Reuters launches new structured products platform
Trade and risk management vendor Reuters has launched the Kondor+ Structured Products (KSP) platform which enables users to design, price and manage the risk of structured products.
The leaders of the pack!
family office leadership summit
How just beastly, that beast of regulatory burden!
tete à tete: regulation
The whole package
Whole loan trading in the UK is blossoming and healthy volumes are expected this year as a host of new entrants increase liquidity in the market. Though US subprime troubles have dented trading volumes, many expect the market to continue to grow. Hardeep…